Gunasekera, A.W., Weerasena, O.V.D.S.J., Premawansa, S., Premaratne, R.G., Handunnetti, S.M. and Fernando, S.D.
Publication year: 2017

Gunasekera, A.W., Weerasena, O.V.D.S.J., Premawansa, S., Premaratne, R.G., Handunnetti, S.M. and Fernando, S.D. (2017) Determining performance characteristics of an Immunochromatographic in vitro diagnostic test for diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria Proceedings of the 9th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Colombo, 07th July 2017; 32