Colamba PV, Lowe JN, Rajagopalan U, Ediriweera MK, Senathilake, KS, Piyathilaka, P.Tennekoon, K H, & Samarakoon, SR
Publication year: 2020

Colamba PV, Lowe JN, Rajagopalan U, Ediriweera MK, Senathilake, KS, Piyathilaka,
P.Tennekoon, K H, & Samarakoon, SR (2020). Hexane extract of Garcinia quaesita fruits
induces apoptosis in breast cancer stem cells isolated from triple negative breast cancer
cell line mda-mb-231. Nutrition and Cancer, 1–11.doi 10.1080/01635581.2020.1773511