Supervised Projects

  • Auditory and reading comprehension in adult stroke patients with Aphasia using a task-based method and auditory-evoked potentials- PhD study (2014-2018) collaborating with a supervisor from Arkansas University USA.


    Supervision of post-graduate research-PhD studies (As the principal supervisor)

  • Assessment of neuro-cognitive processing, gait, fall risk and effects of balance training in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus- Funded by the University grants 2015- 2019, Collaborating with a supervisor from University of Geneva, Switzerland and Neura –Australia.


    Supervision of post-graduate research-PhD studies (As the principal supervisor)

  • Effect of meditation on biochemical, immunological and neurochemical parameters; PhD PhD study (2019-2022) - Funded by AHEAD grant from the World Bank.

    As a co-supervisor

  • Effects meditation on central and peripheral neurophysiological parameters in health and on selected parameters in Epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. PhD study (2019-2022) - Funded by AHEAD grant from the World Bank.

    Supervision of post-graduate research-PhD studies (As the principal supervisor)

  • The effects of vitamin B12 deficiency on the central and peripheral neurophysiological parameters in patients on long term metformin treatment - Principal investigator, Funded by the National Science Foundation (2012-2015)

    Completed research projects

  • Correlation between neurophysiological parameters and renal functions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus induced nephropathy - Principal investigator, Funded by the University grants (2015-2018)

    Completed research projects

  • Early detection of statin induced peripheral neuropathy using clinical, biochemical and neurophysiological parameters- - Principal investigator, funded by the University grants scheme (2012-2015)

    Completed research projects

  • The prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in the Ageing brain-Foreign Elective (2012)

    Completed research projects

  • Electroencephalography in Limbic Encephalitis at Kings college, London, UK, Commonwealth Fellowship (2013-2014)

    Completed research projects

  • Factors affecting and determinants of Medical Leadership (2011- 2016)

    Completed research projects

  • Relationship between cognition and falls in the elderly (2012-2013)

    Completed research projects

  • Assessment of neuro-cognitive processing, gait, fall risk and effects of balance training in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus

    Funded by the University grants 2015- 2018 Collaborating with a supervisors from University of Geneva, Switzerland and Neuroscience Institute, Australia

  • Auditory and reading comprehension in adult stroke patients with Aphasia using a task-based method and auditory-evoked potentials

    PhD study (2014-2017)- Collaborating with a supervisor from Arkansas University USA

  • Assessment of neuro-cognitive processing, gait, fall risk and effects of balance training in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus

    Funded by the University grants 2015- Collaborating with a supervisor from University of Geneva, Switzerland

  • Assessment of language comprehension in adult patients following brain injury

    PhD study (2015-2018) – student funded by the University of Kelaniya- Collaborating with a supervisor from Arkansas University USA

  • An Assessment of the Impact of a Mindfulness Based Intervention on Psychological Stress, Attention Impulsiveness of Medical Students

    PhD part time student – proposal being developed- Collaborating with a supervisor from Monash University, Australia