Miss. D.M.C.S. Dissanayaka

Temporary Demonstrator (2018-2019).

Department of Chemistry
University of Colombo
Colombo 00300
Sri Lanka

Email: dhanu_07@outlook.com

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • BSc

    B. Sc in and Biochemistry & Molecular biology (Special)

    Faculty of science, University of Colombo

    Research Interest

    • Transgenic technology, Cancer Biology


    • Final Year Research project: Identification of an ideal microorganism (Bacterial) and development of a novel micro-biosensor using transgenic techniques to detect the metal ion (Cadmium) contamination in water; This research project is a novel approach in Sri Lanka as a reliable, cost effective method for detection of Cd2+ in the environment, especially in drinking water. The main reason for this is, Chronic renal failure (CRF) is one of major health issue which associated with environmental contamination by heavy metals such as cadmium. In order to achieve this purpose cadmium sensing novel DNA cassette based on cadmium resistance mechanism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7 (cadA/cadR operon system) was transformed into E. coli BL21.   In here, cadA promoter fused to egfp (enhanced green fluorescent protein) and T7 promoter fused with cadR. Eventually, it was able to develop genetically engineered whole-cell bacterial biosensor to produce green color signals with higher efficiency by expressing green fluorescent protein as a response to cadmium in water.Supervisors: Prof. R.S. Dassanayake, Prof. Y.I.N.S. Gunawardena, Prof. Nalin De Silva, Dr. Rohini De Silva