Publication Types:

Tadabeer e mashaikh (regimens for elderly) in unani system of medicine.

Abdul Azeez Rizwana, Arish M.K. Sherwani and Hafeel M.H.M
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2015;2(5):249-253.
Publication year: 2019

Concept of Peptic Ulcer in Unani Medicine: A Comprehensive Appraisal

M.H.M. Hafeel, A. Mobeen, Abdul Azeez Rizwana and Mohammad Ali
EJPMR.2018.5 (5): 184-188
Publication year: 2018

Prevention and control of lifestyle disorders through asbab-esitta Zarooriyah (six Essential Factors) – An Appraisal

Abdul Azeez Rizwana, MHM Hafeel, Aliya parveen, Asima Basheer and Basarath Rashid.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research .2016:3(4)
Publication year: 2016

Ziabetus Shakari (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) in elderly and its Dietary Management.

Abdul Azeez Rizwana, Arish Mohammad Khan Sherwani, and Mohamed Hafeel
Public health Rev:Int J Public health Res 2015;2(1):3-8.
Publication year: 2015

Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Risk Factors among Senior Citizens Attending NIUM Hospital Bengaluru.

Rizwana AA, Arish M.K. Sherwani and Hafeel M.H.M.
American Journal of Pharmacy & Health Research 2015
Publication year: 2015

Concept of Ziabetus shakari - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Unani System of Medicine.

Abdul Azeez Rizwana, Arish M.K. Sherwani and Hafeel M.H.M
International Journal of Advanced Complementary and Traditional Medicine 2015; 1(1):10-15
Publication year: 2015

Preventive Practice against Intestinal worm infestation and the Role of Qurs e Deedan in it

MHM Hafeel, C Arambepola, MLU Salma.
Unani Medicus. 2010; 01: 26-31
Publication year: 2010