The Member of the Committee for Curriculum Development of IIM with effect from 08.05.2018 to 3 years. (Letter NO: IIM/ ES/03 dated 02.10.2018)
The Member of the Committee for Curriculum Development of IIM with effect from 08.05.2018 to 3 years. (Letter NO: IIM/ ES/03 dated 02.10.2018)
A Member of the Animal Research & the Welfare Subcommittee (ARWSC) in IIM. (Letter NO: IIM/ AP 03 /ER dated 26.09.2018).
A Member of the Research Management and Higher Degree Committee in IIM. (Letter NO: IIM/ AP 02 /RM dated 09.07. 2018).
A Member of the Board of study in Unani medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo. Valid from 21.02.2019 for a period of 3 years (Latter dated 10. 02. 2019 No:04-BOS-UNA-2019).
A Coordinator for conducting Learning management System for IIM, University of Colombo for a period of 03 years with effect from 25.10.2019. Letter No IIM/ES/03 dated 27.11.2019.
The Head/Department of Deshiya Ilaj / Unani section, IIM with effect from 26.06.2016 for a period of 3 years.
The Member of the Committee for Postgraduate programmes of IIM with effect from 17.01.2017.
A Session Coordinator of the Orientation programme for new entrants 2016/2017.
A Student Counsellor (Unani) with effect from 01.12.2017-30.11.1018. (As Request by Director and Head / Unani, the post has continued up to 06.07.2020)
A Member Abstract, Research Paper Review & Editorial committee of 5th ICAUST 2017 (International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine 2017) at IIM dated 27-29.10.2017.
A Member of the Steering committee for 5th ICAUST 2017 at IIM dated 27-29.10.2017.
A Member of the Inauguration, Reception & Registration Committee for 5th ICAUST 2017 at IIM dated 27-29.10.2017
A Member of Transport & Accommodation committee for 5th ICAUST 2017 at IIM dated 27-29.10.2017.
A Member of Committee of Correspondence with Foreign Delegates Resource Persons for 5th ICAUST 2017 at IIM dated 27-29.10.2017
A Co- Chairperson to the scientific programme of 5th ICAUST 2017 at IIM dated 27-29.10.2017.
A National Forum Conducting Committee to the scientific programme of 5th ICAUST 2017 at IIM dated 27-29.10.2017. Actively participated and conduct ward classes for level III, L-IV and L-V at ATH, Borella. at IIM dated 27-29.10.2017.
Other Activities
oordinating and conducting workshop organized by IIM, University of Colombo.
Participated in the Convocation for Conferment of Postgraduate degrees /Diplomas on at BMICH.
Coordinating and conducting workshop organized by IIM, University of Colombo.2019.
Participated in the Convocation for Conferment of Postgraduate degrees /Diplomas on at BMICH
Actively participated in Meeting of the Programme of the 90th Anniversary of IIM -2019.
Actively participated in Meeting of Unit of Moalejat, Dep of Unani IIM in 2019.
Actively participated in Meeting of Unit of Deshiya ilaj, Dep of Unani IIM in 2019.
Actively participated in the opening of the New Lecture Hall (LT – 06) on 4th December 2019.
Conducted Moalejat (clinical medicine) subjects, lectures at IIM and practical classes for Level III, IV, and V BUMS batches in Male and female ward at NATH, Borella,
Examinations: Exam papers setting, scrutinization, Moderation, First correction, second correction, and Viva practical, in Unit of Moalejat in the Department of Unani – 2019.
Coordinator, L-IV BUMS Unit of Moalejat in the Department of Unani – 2019.
Supervisor for L-IV BUMS Research Student, Unit of Moalejat in the Department of Unani – 2019
Moderator – Level IV BUMS CAT -1st and 2nd semester Examination. 1st and 2nd semester Annual Examination second correction, and Viva practical, in the Department of Deshiya Ilaj. 2013/2014- Batch subject (Deshiya Ilaj) – 2019.
Actively participated in the work of the Security and Disciplinary Committee Activities in IIM-2019.
Actively participated in workshop on “Blue printing for assessments” (23.05.2019).
Actively participated in a workshop on “Basic of Research Ethics” Organised by Forum for Ethics Review Committees in Sri Lanka (FERCSL) on 4th July 2019.
Actively participated and conduct ward practical classes for level III, L-IV and L-V at ATH, Borella.
Participated in an MCQ construction workshop organized by medical Education unit, IIM, University of Colombo.
Participated in a workshop on Blue Printing organized by medical Education unit, IIM, University of Colombo
Participated seminars on organized by Department of Moalijat, IIM.
Participated in all the relevant meetings at college House organized by University of Colombo
Participated meetings organized by IIM, University of Colombo.
Participated meetings organized by ATH, Borella
Actively participated in Sports days, Cultural events organized by IIM, University of Colombo.
Coordinator for newly recruited students in every year-2017.
Unani Medical Teachers Association (UMTA) - Vice President.
Contribute to departments’ and other departments’ activities whenever necessary (Eg: Field Trip, Clinical work, Medical camps organized by IIM, University of Colombo.
Actively participated in the Research Management Committee organized by IIM, University of Colombo.
Actively participated in IQAC workshop and meetings organized by IIM, University of Colombo.
Actively participated in Meeting regarding MD (Ayurveda / Unani) organized by PGIIM, University of Colombo.
Actively participated in the Unani Sectional Committee Meeting in 2019 organized by Unani section, IIM, University of Colombo.
Member of examination subcommittee of Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo. (2019).
Organised and Participated in the annual field trip to Kekirawa and Galawewa for level IV B.U.M.S.2012/2013- 5th December 2017.
Actively participated an awareness programme and Medical camp at Ladies College, Beruwella. Organized by Department of Moalijat, IIM.
Actively participated an awareness programme for students and Teachers on A Simple way for a better life at KM/AK/AS-Siraj Junior School Akkaraipattu on 20.11.2017.
Actively participated an awareness programme for students and Teachers on A Simple way for a better life at KM/AK/Govt. Muslim Boy’s vidiyalaya, Akkaraipattu on 20.11.2017.
Participated in the training course on research methodology conducted my HETC.
Participated in the five-day workshop on “How to get your research published” organized by the Medical Education Resource Centre of the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), University of Colombo from 26th to 30th March 2011.
Participated in the WHO Training Workshop on Health Inter Network Access to Research Initiatives (HINARI), held in Colombo from 8-10 November 2010
Participated in seminars & workshop in various field.
Participated & worked as a Medical Officer in several medical camps, Health Education programme for school children and public organized by District Ayurvedic Hospital, Ampara and National Institute of Traditional Medicine (NITM), Navinna from 2000-2008
Research work done at Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital, Borella in 2005 -2007 during M.Phil research on Hyperlipidaemia.
Clinical study work done at Ayurvedic District Hospital, Ampara from 2001-2004 in the following topics , Diabetic Patients Vs Ayurvedic Medicine at Diabetic clinic above hospital. Hypertension patients Vs Ayurvedic Medicine at Hypertensive clinic at Ayurvedic District Hospital, Ampara.
At Present practice the method CTHE Methods in teaching among the undergraduate Unani medical students at Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya.
Member of Teachers association & member of Unani Teachers Association at Institute of Indigenous Medicine , Secretary of Unani Teachers Association at Institute of Indigenous Medicine from 2008 - 2009 , President of Unani Teachers Association at Institute of Indigenous Medicine from 2009 - 2010
Participated in Ayurveda “JANKAMA SAYANA” (Ayurveda “mobile clinic) from 2001-2007 at Distric Ayurvedic Hospital, Ampara during the period of medical officer
Ayurveda & Unani “Upharapanthi” as a lecturer to traditional Ayurvedic Unani practitioners - organized by National Institute of Traditional Medicine (NITM), Navinna Maharagama from 2004- 2005.
“Passal vedha sadhana” Health Education Programme for school students organized by Ayurvedic District Hospital, Ampara from 2001-2005.
Herbal plant cultivation project at Ayurvedic District Hospital, Ampara and area of the Ampara District from 2001-2005
Actively participated in the Ayurvedic and Unani Medical clinic in Tsunami affected area conducted by the Department of Ayurveda, Navinna 2004-2005
Actively participated and Activity worked Ayurveda Unani Medical Camp island wide, conducted by IIM, Medical Student Union from 1992 to date
Participated in several seminars conducted by IIM, Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital and various other related educational programme, scientific research programmes.
Participated and actively worked in Unani Staff development and student development programme
Teaching experiences
Conducting lectures, practical, Tutorial, group discussions, problem-based learning, examinations (written, viva and practical) for Level 3,4 and 5 and participated in students’ welfare, Teachers welfare, Institutional Development at Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo.
Practical conducted in OPD and wards for Level 3,4 and 5 at Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital, Borella, Colombo 08.
Demonstrates communication and interpersonal skills as they relate to interaction with students, other teachers, administrators, and other personnel.
At Present practice the method CTHE Methods in teaching among the undergraduate Unani medical students at Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya.
Clinical experiences
Participated in seminars & workshop in various field.
Participated & worked as a Medical Officer in several medical camps, Health Education programme for school children and public organized by District Ayurvedic Hospital, Ampara and National Institute of Traditional Medicine (NITM), Navinna from 2000-2008
Research work done at Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital, Borella in 2005 -2007 during M.Phil. research on Hyperlipidaemia.
Clinical study work done at Ayurvedic District Hospital, Ampara from 2001-2004 in the following topics, Diabetic Patients Vs Ayurvedic Medicine at Diabetic clinic above hospital and Hypertension patients Vs Ayurvedic Medicine at Hypertensive clinic at Ayurvedic District Hospital, Ampara.
At Present practice the method CTHE Methods in teaching among the undergraduate Unani medical students at Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya.
Areas of research activities
Research work done at Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital, Borella in 2005 -2007 during M.Phil. research on Hyperlipidaemia.
Research work done at Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital, Borella and Base Hospital, Akkaraipattu. in 2013 -2017 during Ph.D. research on Hyperlipidaemia.
Memberships Member of Teachers association & member of Unani Teachers Association at Institute of Indigenous Medicine , Secretary of Unani Teachers Association at Institute of Indigenous Medicine from 2008 - 2009 and President of Unani Teachers Association at Institute of Indigenous Medicine from 2009 - 2010
Membership of foundation of Homeopathy (M.F. Hom) (The open International University, Colombo south General Hospital, Sri Lanka)
Membership of Acupuncture foundation (M.Ac. F) and Diploma in Acupuncture (Dip in Ac) (The open International University, Colombo south General Hospital, Sri Lanka)
Member of, Teachers Association Institute of Indigenous Medicine and Teachers Association Institute of Indigenous Medicine
Member of Pharmacy Academy, Colombo 15
Examiner/ Chief Examiner Undergraduatem, Invigilator for BUMS and BAMS undergraduate examinations and First and Second Examiner and Moderator Clinical Medicine (Unani Moalejat)