- HPLC Training at Waters LC School,Bangkok,Thailand,1986
- HPLC, GC, UV-VIS, IR and AAS, British Council / CISIR (ITI), Colombo,1987
- Chromatography Workshop,University of Peradeniya, SriLanka,1989
- Workshop on Carbohydrates & Carbohydrates containing Natural Products,University of Peradeniya, SriLanka
- HPLC Training, Institute of Fundamental Studies,1990
- Nuclear and Associated techniques in Pesticide Research, IAEA/FAO, Bangkok, Thailand,1992
- Workshopon Detection of Food Poisoning, University of Colombo, 1996
- International Seminar on Pesticides Residues in Exportable Commodities, NARESA(NSF), SriLanka,1998
- NMR, University of Peradeniya, SriLanka,1998
- GC-MS, University of Peardeniya, SriLanka,2000
- HPLC Waters, India (Waters Millennium Software), 2001
- Workshop on Scientific Writing, Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 2002
- Workshop on Advanced Analytical Methods Institute of Chemistry, SriLanka,2003
- Outward-bound Training, Sri Lanka Business Development Centre, 2003
- Enhancement of quality and productivity in Labs, Institute of Chemistry, SriLanka,2006
- Bioactive Natural Products, Institute of Chemistry, 2009
- Numerical and Statistical Analysis , NASTEC, Colombo,2009
- Estimation of Measurement of Uncertainty, ITI, Colombo, 2009
- Tea Technology, Hunan Agricultural University, China, 2009
- International Symposium in Natural Products, IFS, Kandy, 2011
- ISO17025, Internal Auditor Training SriLanka Accreditation Board, Colombo, 2012
- LC-MS/MS Triple Quadrapole, AgilentTraining Center, Singapore,2012
- Stem Cells, IBMMB, UniversityofColombo, 2012.
- Antioxidant Assays (ORAC,TEAC,FRAP,DPPH), Industrial Technology Institute, Colombo, SriLanka,2013.
(HPLC-HighPerformanceLiquidChromatography, GC-GasChromatography, IR-Infrared Spectroscopy, AAS-AtomicAbsorptionSpectrometry, NMR-NuclearMagneticResonance Spectroscopy,MS-MassSpectrometry)