Ishara Senanayake, currently serves as an Assistant Librarian at the Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Mrs. Senanayake entered the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Allied Health Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ) in 2013 as an undergraduate. She was awarded the Linnaeus- Palme scholarship and got the opportunity to enter the Kristianstad University in Sweden where she specialized the subject areas of Applied Clinical Nursing and Global Health in 2017. She continued her association with the University of Sri Jayewardenepura by joining as a Temporary Demonstrator after obtaining an upper second class for her first degree, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Special) in 2017.
She continued her working as a Temporary Demonstrator by joining The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL), Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing in 2018. She has experienced in lecturing Primary Health Care subject for Nursing undergraduates while been a co-author and a desktop publisher for OUSL Nursing guide books. Mrs. Senanayake is a Registered Nurse (RN) since 2018. She also completed the Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE) at USJ in 2019 & Certificate in Postgraduate Research at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo in 2020. Further, she is a member of Graduate Nurses’ Foundation of Sri Lanka and a Life Member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
She joined University of Colombo as an Assistant Librarian in November 2020. Her current research interests are in the areas of Public health, Health education, Health care systems, Information needs and Information seeking behavior.
Assistant Librarian
Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo