University of Colombo
Prof. Athambawa Abdul Azeez has been serving the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, since 1991. He currently holds the post of Professor in Finance and Dean of the Faculty of graduate Studies. He was the former Head of Department of Finance and Coordinator of Postgraduate and mid-career development Unit of the Faculty of Management and Finance.
He obtained his Ph.D. with Finance Specialization from the Yokohama National University in Japan, MBA from the University of Colombo and B. Com. (Hons) from the University of Peradeniya. He is a recipient of the prestigious Japanese Government Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Monbukagakusho. He is also a recipient of Japan Foundation Fellowship under which he conducted his post-doctoral research at the Waseda University in Japan in 2008.
Prof. Azeez is actively engaged in conducting research, teaching and evaluating undergraduate and graduate courses, and supervising undergraduate, masters and Phil/PhD level research. He has already contributed to producing two PhD in the field of finance at the University of Colombo. He teaches Financial Management, Investment Management, Contemporary Issues in Finance, Financial Econometrics and Business Statistics. He has publications in a number of international and local journals including Japan and the World Economy, The Global Economy and Finance Journal, International Journal of Accounting and Finance, International Journal of Electronic Finance, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Asian Economic and Financial Review, Journal of Finance and Bank Management, and The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society. He also presented papers at many local and international conferences held in Japan, Malaysia, India, Australia and the United Kingdom. He has contributed to several publications as a member of research and editorial teams.
YNU, Japan
University of Colombo
Waseda University, Japan
University of Colombo
Faculty of graduate Studies
Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo
University of Colombo
Faculy of Graduate Studies
Department of Finance
MBA in Finance Program
Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Faculty of Management and Finance