Dr. T.C. Ediriwickrama
Department of Finance, Faculty of Management & Finance
Awards and Grants
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All types ( 8 )
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended ( 5 )
Refereed Journal articles ( 4 )
Using pre-listing information to mitigate initial public offerings’ long run underperformance: Evidence from Sri Lanka
Refereed Journal articles
Ediriwickrama, T.C
Publication year: 2018
Initial public offering trading strategies using pre listing information in Sri Lanka
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Ediriwickrama, T.C.
Publication year: 2017
Illiquidity based factor construction in asset pricing: An analysis on long run performance of Sri Lankan Initial Public Offering stocks
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Refereed Journal articles
Ediriwickrama, T.C and Azeez, A.A
Publication year: 2017
The impact of the civil war on IPO stocks in Sri Lanka: Regression and event based analysis
Refereed Journal articles
Ediriwickrama, T.C & Azeez, A.A
Publication year: 2016
War impact to IPO stocks in Sri Lanka: Regression and event based analysis
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Ediriwickrama, T.C and Azeez, A.A
Publication year: 2015
Multifactor explanation to IPO long run underperformance anomaly: Sri Lankan evidence
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Ediriwickrama, T.C and Azeez, A.A
Publication year: 2015
Multi factor explanation to IPO long run under performance anomaly: Sri Lankan evidence
Refereed Journal articles
Ediriwickrama, T.C & Azeez, A.A.
Publication year: 2015
An investigation of IPO long run underperformance of Sri Lankan firms
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Ediriwickrama, T.C and Azeez, A.A
Publication year: 2015