Publication Types:

“Exploring conceptions of infinity via super-tasks: A case of Thomson’s Lamp and Green Alien.”

Wijeratne, Chanakya, and Rina Zazkis
Publication year: 2016

“Exploring conceptions of infinity via super-tasks: A case of Thomson’s Lamp and Green Alien.”The Journal of Mathematical Behavior42 (2016): 127-134.

“On Painter’s Paradox: Contextual and Mathematical Approaches to Infinity.”

Wijeratne, Chanakya, and Rina Zazkis
Publication year: 2015

“On Painter’s Paradox: Contextual and Mathematical Approaches to Infinity.” International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 1.2 (2015): 163-186.

“Hilbert’s Grand Hotel with a series twist.”

Wijeratne, Chanakya, Ami Mamolo, and Rina Zazkis
Publication year: 2014

“Hilbert’s Grand Hotel with a series twist.”International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 45.6  (2014): 904-911.