Professor Chula J. Jayawardene

Department of Mathematics
University of Colombo
Colombo 00300
Sri Lanka
Office: Department of Mathematics – Room No. 207 B


Prof. C. J. A. Jayawardene is a Professor in Mathematics (Professor from  2016), at the University of Colombo and has worked as a visiting lecturer at University of Kelaniya, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and the Open University of Sri Lanka. He has also worked as a resource person in the Post Graduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya. In year 2019/2020, he was conferred a ‘long service award’ for 25 years of service at the University of Colombo. After obtaining his primary and secondary school education at Royal College, he was selected for the engineering stream but opted to follow the physical science stream at University of Colombo. He captained the University of Colombo, Swimming and Rowing teams in 1984 and 1985, respectively. He has obtained a first class (honours) Mathematics Special degree from the University of Colombo (1985) and was the recipient of the Justine Samarasekera Award/Gold Medal for the most outstanding student in the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo. Subsequently, he has obtained 91% at the GRE Mathematics (subject) examination. While perusing higher studies in U.S.A., he has obtained  two Masters Degrees in Pure and Applied Mathematics (with 3.8/4.0 GPA and 4.0/4.0 GPA, respectively). Prof. Jayawardene has specialized in Network/Graph Theory for his Doctoral Degree under Prof. C. C. Rousseau (Prof. Jayawardene has received a PhD with 4.0/4.0 GPA  with A grades for all modules). For his Postdoctoral studies under Prof. Béla Bollobás, he has published a joint research paper with Prof. Béla Bollobás et at, on the topic of complete solution for Bondy and Erdös conjecture when n=5. He has followed a project in Data Communication and Network Programming’ at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) under the sponsorship of the Asian Development Bank and a project in ‘Mathematical Modelling’ at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) under the sponsorship of UNESCO.

After becoming a professor, Prof. Jayawardene has published 24 research papers in peer reviewed International Mathematical Journals on Graph Theory. According to the UGC Commission Circular 05-2018- based on google h index, Prof. Jayawardene qualifies as a TIER 4 researcher which is recognized  as one of the highest levels of research accomplishments in the Sri Lanka University system. In total, he has conducted seven presentations at international Network/Graph Theory conferences. He has written joint research papers with 11 academics from foreign universities and 12 academics from Sri Lankan universities. He has over 207 google scholar citations related to his  publications in Mathematics. Currently, he is holding a position in the editorial board of   the ‘Indonesian Journal of Combinatorics’. His book chapter on ‘Tripartite and Quadpartite Size Ramsey Numbers for all pairs of Connected Graphs on 4 vertices’ recently appeared in the international textbook on ‘Advanced Applications of Graph Theory in Modern Society’. He has already published 12 books for O/L, A/L and University students. He has been the Advisor/Supervisor for 8 Masters degree students who have obtained their Masters degrees from University of Colombo and 17 BSC Special degree students who have obtained their Mathematics Special degrees from University of Colombo. He has won a Presidential Award in 2002 for Mathematical Research and he was the Deputy Leader of the Sri Lankan team at the International Mathematical Olympiad in 2003.

Academic Qualifications

  • Post Doctoral studies 2000-2002

    Post Doctoral studies(Ramsey Theory)

    under Prof. Bela Bollobas

    • PhD 1999

      PhD (Graph Theory)

      University of Memphis, Tennessee

    • MSc 1998

      MSc (Applied Mathematics)

      University of Memphis, Tennessee

    • MSc 1991

      MSc (Pure Mathematics)

      Ohio State University

    • BSc 1986

      BSc (Mathematics)

      University of Colombo