Galappatthy P, Liyanage CK, Lucas MN, Jayasekara D, Abhayaratna SA, Weeraratne C, et al. Obstetric outcomes and effects on babies born to women treated for epilepsy during pregnancy in a resource limited setting: a comparative cohort study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2018;18(1):230
Liyanage CK, Galappatthy P, Seneviratne SL. Corticosteroids in management of anaphylaxis; a systematic review of evidence, European annals of allergy and clinical immunology 2017: 49 (5), 196 -207
Liyanage CK, Munasinghe TMJ, Paramanathan A. Steroid-Responsive Encephalopathy Associated with Autoimmune Thyroiditis Presenting with Fever and Confusion. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine 2017, Article ID 3790741, 4 pages.
De Abrew W. K., Kongala Liyanage, (2016). Type 2 Diabetes in older people; challenges in the management and optimization of therapy, Sri Lanka Prescriber, 2016 VolNo.24, pp. 8-13.
Liyanage, C. K., Galappatthy, P. (2016). Carbamazepine related Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Genetic testing to identify patients at risk. Sri Lanka Prescriber, 2016 VolNo.24, pp. 1-3.
Karunathilake IM, Liyanage CK. Accreditation of Public Health Education in the Asia-Pacific, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2015; 27(1):38-44.
De Silva AP, Liyanage IK, De Silva STGR, Jayawardana MB, Liyanage CK, Karunathilake IM. Migration of Sri Lankan medical specialists Human Resources for Health. 2013; 11: 21.
Liyanage IK, Caldera T, Rwma R, Liyanage CK, De Silva P, Karunathilake IM. Sharps injuries among medical students in the faculty of medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. 2012; 25: 275-28
Books and book chapters
Contributing author, Health Care for the Older People – Holistic Approach: Bone Health and Fractures; Sri Lanka Association of Geriatric Medicine, 2020. ISSN 2673-1274
Contributing author, Sri Lanka Student Formulary; Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, 2018. ISBN 978-955-703-001-2
Karunathilake IM, Liyanage CK. Ed. De Abrew A, Aloha! The Life Story of Walter K. Patrick; APACPH-ECN Publication, 2014. ISBN 978-955-7641-00-3
Presentations at International and National conferences
Liyanage CK, Galappatthy P, Wijayabandara MDMS, Warapitiya D, Ranasinghe P, Bataduwaarachchi V, Weeraratne C, Sri Ranganathan S, Abrew K, Jayakody RL. Contextual learning of clinical pharmacology in the wards; effectiveness of a task based educational intervention. 13th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), Singapore, 16th January 2016. book of abstracts, p 314-15
Karunathilake IM, de Abrew A, Liyanage CK, Olupeliyawa A. Developing the APACPH Model forAccreditation of Public Health Education in Asia-Pacific Region, South East Asia Regional Association for Medical Education (SEARAME) Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13th November 2014, book of abstracts, p 58
Liyanage CK, PLAN Liyanage, PN Dilrukshi, NM Nagodavithana, GMP Sirimanna. Emerging Community Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (Ca-MRSA) In Dermatological Practice: A Study At A Tertiary Care Dermatology Unit In Colombo, Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17th October 2014, book of abstracts, p. 33
Karunathilake IM, Liyanage CK. Development of Software to Construct Single Best Answer Multiple Choice Questions. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference in Lyon, France, 27th July 2012, book of abstracts, p. 53
Liyanage CK, Kumarasinghe A, Liyanage V, Planning Pregnancy and Factors Associated with Decisions Regarding Fertility in Pregnancy Women Attending an Antenatal Clinic in Colombo, 44th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium (APACPH) Conference, Colombo Sri Lanka, 16th October 2012, book of abstracts, p. 103
Liyanage, CK, De Abrew, A., Barhtolameuz, C., Karunathilake I. (2013) Staff Development to Incorporate Simulated Based Medical Education (SMBE) in a Low Resource Setting, 10th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore 16th January 2013, book of abstracts, p.343
Bartholameuz, C., Karunathilake, I., De Abrew, A., Liyanage CK., Kumara L. Usability Assessment of a MCQ Creator Software, 10th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore 16th January 2013, book of abstracts, p.369
Liyanage CK, Kasthurirathne G, Sopan V, Rubasinghe V. Alendronate use among rheumatology clinic attendees at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka: An Institutional Inquiry. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Specialists in Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Sri Lanka 2019.
Galappatthy, P., Mythily, S., Wickramarathna, T.N., Wijayabandara, M.S., Warapitiya, D.S., Liyanage, C. K.,Ranasinghe, P., Perera, I., Jayakody, R.L. Comparison of availability of medicines in the government and private sectors in Sri Lanka: an island wide study. Proceedings at the Annul Academic sessions of Sri Lanka Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2016, p32-33
Galappatthy, P., Mythily, S., Wickramarathna, T.N., Wijayabandara, M.S., Warapitiya, D.S., Liyanage, C. K.,Ranasinghe, P., Perera, I., Jayakody, R.L. Availability and prices of the most commonly prescribed medicines in private pharmacies in Sri Lanka: an island wide survey. Proceedings at the Annual Academic sessions of Sri Lanka Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2016, p31-32
Galappatthy, P., Wijayabandara, Wickramarathna, T.N., M.S., Mythily, S., Warapitiya, D.S., Liyanage, C. K., Ranasinghe, P., Perera, I., Jayakody, R.L. Medicines availability in government hospitals and prescribing indicators in out patient departments (OPD) in Sri Lanka: an island wide study. Proceedings at the 129th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2016; Sri Lanka Medical Association, p 199-200
Galappatthy, P., Wijayabandara, M.S., Mythily, S., Wickramarathna, T.N., Warapitiya, D.S., Liyanage, C. K., Ranasinghe, P., Perera, I., Jayakody, R.L. Medicines usage and prescribing indicators in Sri Lanka: An island wide study. Proceedings of the 129th Anniversary International Medical Congress, 2016; Sri Lanka Medical Association, p 137-138
De Abrew K, Liyanage U, Wijewickrama ES, Liyanage CK, Mahathanthila D, Dharmawansa AJ, Jeyerajesingham S, Gunawardena N, Warapitiya DS, Wijayabandara MDMS, Kempitiya BCTANWMRCS, Aravithan A, Jayasekara LMDT. Assessment of distance from skin surface to muscle to evaluate the risk of intramuscular insulin injection at potential insulin injection sites among Sri Lankan adults. 7th Annual Academic Sessions of Endocrine Society of Sri Lanka. 1st -4th October 2015
Galappatthy, P., Mythily, S., Wickramarathna, T.N., Wijayabandara, M.S., Warapitiya, D.S., Liyanage, C. K., Ranasinghe, P., Jayakody, R.L. Prescribing patterns, availability, prices and affordability of medicines used in Non Communicable diseases in Sri Lanka: An island-wide study. Proceedings at 24th Triennial Conference 2016, Commonwealth Medical Association.
Galappatthy P, Liyanage CK ,Lucas MN, Wijayabandara MDMS, Warapitiya DS, Jayasekara LMDT, Kempitiya BCTANWMRCS, Aravindan A, WeeraratneCL, De Abrew K, Gunaratne P, Gamage R, Wijeyaratne CN. Outcome in babies born to women treated for epilepsy during pregnancy: a case controlled study. 48th Annual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 16th to 19th September, 2015. Book of abstracts, p. 90.
Galappatthy P, Liyanage CK, Wijebandara M, Warapitiya D, Jayasekara LMDT, Priyadharshana HKR, Kempitiya BCT ANWMRCS, Aravindan A, Ranasinghe P, De Abrew K, Jayakody RL. Core prescribing indicators and most commonly prescribed medicines in Colombo group of hospital wards in major specialties. 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA). Hotel Galadari, Colombo 8th July 2015. Book of abstracts, p.231
Galappatthy P, Warapitiya DS, Wijebandara M Liyanage CK, Jayasekara LMDT, Priyadharshana HKR, Kempitiya BCT ANWMRCS, Aravindan A, Aravindan, Ranasinghe P, Weesasooriya K. Usage of portable electronic devises (PEDs) to access medical information by medical students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA). Hotel Galadari, Colombo. 8th July 2015. Book of abstracts, p.235
Liyanage CK, PLAN Liyanage, PN Dilrukshi, NM Nagodavithana, GMP Sirimanna. Prevalence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) cutaneous infections and factors associated in a tertiary care dermatology unit. 23rd Lanka Derma- Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Dermatologist, 3rd& 4th May 2014