Dr. Dilanthi Warawita
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Spectrum and genetic heterogeneity of cystic fibrosis in Sri Lanka
Neluwa Liyanage Ruwan Indika, Dinesha Maduri Vidanapathirana, Hewa Warawitage Dilanthi, Grace Angeline Malarnangai Kularatnam et al. BMC
Medical Genetics 2019;20:89
Publication year: 2019
Salivary cortisol: a non-invasive measure of adrenal function in patients following steroid use
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2018
Salivary cortisol by LC-MS/MS: a convenient and effective measure of hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal suppression following intralesional steroid administration
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2018
Proton pump inhibitors are the most common cause of severe hypomagnesemia in a tertiary hospital
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2018
Prevalence and incidence of severe hypomagnesaemia in proton pump inhibitor users in a tertiary care hospital
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2018
Many pitfalls in diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria: a case report.
L. R. Indika1, T.Kesavan ,H.W.Dilanthi , K.L.S.P.K.M.Jayasena
BMC Res Notes 2018;11:552
Publication year: 2018
BD vacutainer SSTTM II advance blood collection tubes are acceptable for serum copper analysis but not zinc Australian Association of Clinical Biochemists Annual Scientific Conference
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2018
Validity of the use of Schwartz formula against creatinine clearance in the assessment of renal functions in children
H W Dilanthi, G A M Kularatnam, S Jayasena, E Jasinge, D B D L Samaranayake, V P Wickramasinghe
Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2017; 46:155-159
Publication year: 2017
Uric acid, an important screening tool to detect inborn errors of metabolism: a case series.
Jasinge E, Kularatnam GAM, Dilanthi HW, Vidanapathirana DM, Jayasena KLSPKM et al.
BMC Res Notes. 2017;10(1):454
Publication year: 2017
Pseudo-Bartter Syndrome in a patient with Cystic fibrosis: A challenge in diagnosis
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2017
Lowe syndrome: Case report of a patient with a novel mutation in the OCRL gene
Grace Angeline Malarnangai Kularatnam, VindyaSubasinghe, Dilanthi Hewa Warawitage, KandanaLiyanage Subhashinie Jayasena
Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2017; 46(3): 281-283
Publication year: 2017
Dubin–Johnson syndrome and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy in a Sri Lankan family: a case report.
Kularatnam GAM, Dilanthi HW, Vidanapathirana DM et al.
BMC Res Notes 2017; 10:487
Publication year: 2017
The role of urine organic acid analysis in detecting organic acidaemias
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2016
Incomplete laboratory request forms: The extent at a tertiary care hospital
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2016
Diagnosis of organic acidaemias in a selected paediatric population: six-year experience in a single centre
Oral Presentations
Publication year: 2016
Demographic, clinical and biochemical characteristics of patients with homocystinuria in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Medical Association129th Anniversary International Medical Congress, 2016
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2016
Audit on sweat analysis for diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in Sri Lanka
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2016
Assessment of the validity of protein-osmolality ratio in a randomly collected urine specimen in the estimation of proteinuria.
Dilanthi HW, KularatnamGAM, Jayasena S, Samaranayake DBDL et al.
children Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2016; 3: E35:112
Publication year: 2016
An internal audit on selected pre-analytical errors in samples received to the department of chemical pathology, Lady Ridgeway Hospital
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2016
An approach to a patient with suspected Diabetes Insipidus: Is it water deprivation test or DDAVP challenge test
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2016
Alkaptonuria diagnosed in a one-year old boy: a case report
HW Dilanthi, GAM Kularatnam, S Jayasena, EA Jasinge, KSH de Silva.
Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2016; 45:291-293
Publication year: 2016
Uric acid: An important marker to detect inborn errors of metabolic disorders
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2015
The usefulness of Schwartz formula for estimation of glomerular filtration rate in Sri Lankan children
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2015
Cystic fibrosis in a Sri Lankan infant, confirmed by genotyping: implications for future diagnosis and service provision.
G A M Kularatnam, D Warawita, S Jayasena, S Nadarajah, E Jasinge, D Mendis, H Kennedy, C Florkowski, P George.
Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2015;2:E171-3
Publication year: 2015
Can we use protein-creatinine ratio and protein-osmolality ratios in a spot urine sample as predictors of 24-hour urinary protein excretion?
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2015
Assessment of the validity of protein-osmolality ratio in a random urine specimen, in estimation of proteinuria in children and the use of Schwartz formula in determining glomerular filtration rate in children.
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2015
Alkaptonuria : A rare metabolic disorder
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2015
A Sri Lankan infant with Mucolipidosis Type II (I-cell disease)
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2015
Xanthinuria in a patient with a bladder stone
Poster Presentations
Publication year: 2014
Spectrum of Lysosomal Storage Disorders at Lady Ridgeway Hospital
Oral Presentations
Publication year: 2014
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