Best Oral Presentation award at Sri Lanka college of Haematologists Annual Scientific Sessions 2017
November, 2015
Young Scientist Award for Neuroscience
October, 2015
Second Place Poster Presentations at the Annual Research Symposium of the University of Colombo.
Paving the way for the development of Cancer therapies and Tissue Regeneration –Human Genetics Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo.General Sir John Kotelawala Defence UniversityInternational Research conference 2017.Pre Conference Workshop on Biomedical Engineering“Expanding Access to Healthcare through Bioengineering Advances”Wednesday, 2nd August 2017, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka
Developing cellular platforms for natural product testing Third International Conference on Natural Products Genomics and Drug Discovery. “Basic and Translational Research on Cancer and Inflammation” 10 – 11 July 2017,Colombo, Sri Lanka Building a platform for anti-cancer drug discovery / testing in Sri Lanka Second International Conference on Natural Products Genomics and Drug Discovery “Basic and Translational Research on Cancer and Inflammation”. 23 – 24 June 2016 Colombo, Sri Lanka
Investigation & management of childhood thrombosis” – 17th Annual Academic Sessions Sri Lanka College of Haematologists. Pre-congress Workshop on Haematology in Paediatrics. Sri Lanka Medical Association, Colombo, Sri Lanka(Sept, 2016)