Dr. KRM Chandrathilaka

BSc in Physiotherapy (Col), PhD (Col)

Lecturer (Unconfirmed)

Department of Allied Health Sciences

Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Dr. KRM Chandrathilaka is a lecturer (Unconfirmed) in Physiotherapy in the Department of Allied Health Sciences.

He obtained his BSc in Physiotherapy degree from the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo in 2013 and obtained his PhD in occupational health and safety from the same Faculty in 2020.

He currently serve as the convener of the Behavioural Sciences Stream of the BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy degree programme and the co-convener of the Curriculum Implementation Unit of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo.

His research interests include ergonomics, occupational health, cardio-respiratory health, and cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation.