Research Interests
- Rabies – Immunogenecity studies and surveys
- Medical Education
- Effects and Toxicity studies of different herbs
- Renal Physiology
- Other areas related to physiology
Research Grants
- Collaborative research grant from MERIAL, SAS – Research agreement was signed in 2018. Amount of the grant is approximately LKR 20 M out of which LKR 15.2 M will be credited to Faculty account in installment basis for project activities conducted in Sri Lanka. Project: Determination of immunogenicity and potency of canine anti-rabies vaccines marketed in Sri Lanka – An experimental study using rabbits as the animal model and Evaluation of immunogenicity of selected vaccines in a sample dog population under field conditions . Prof Mangala Gunatilake (Project Leader/Principal Supervisor
- National Science Foundation – Grants No. SCH/2018/05 Amount of the Grant: 1,968,500/- Project: In vitro lithontriptic effect of selected Siddha drugs on urinary calculi occurring in various locations of urinary system with and without different Annupaanam and the predisposing factors Dr SivaranjiniSivayagum (Grant applicant/Research student), Prof VasanthiArsaratnam (Principal supervisor/Investigator) and Prof Mangala Gunatilake (Co-supervisor/Investigator)
- National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (NSF) – Grant No. RG/2014/HS/08 Amount of the Grant: Rs. 7,328,975/- Project: Pattern of immunogenicity in domestic dogs following primary and subsequent booster vaccination against rabies in Dehiwala Municipality area Prof Mangala Gunatilake (Principal Investigator), Dr S Nanayakkara
- University Research Grants – Grant No. AP/3/2/2015/SG/22 Amount of the Grant : Rs. 337,290.00 Project: Correlation between neurophysiological parameters and renal functions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus induced nephropathy Dr Dilshani Dissanayake, Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (NSF) – Grant No. RG/2007/HS/03 Amount of the Grant : Rs. 3,478,015.43 Project: Serological response following anti-rabies immunization in a representative canine population in Sri Lanka Dr Mangala Gunatilake (Principal Investigator), Dr OmalaWimalaratne, Dr A Balasuriya, Dr R M S Pimburage
- University of Colombo IRQUE Grant Amount of the Grant: Rs. 150,000/- Project: Effect of Cinnamomumzeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon) on blood glucose and lipid levels in rats Dr M Gunatilake (Grant recipient), Dr P Katulanda, Dr S Premakumara, Dr K Y S Perera, Dr P Ranasinghe
- National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (NSF) – Grant No. TM/2004/RG/02 Amount of the Grant: Rs. 11,68,225/- Project: Polpala (Aervalanata): Its effects on structure and function of the urinary tract Dr Mangala Gunatilake (Principal Investigator), Dr DilaniLokuhetty
- Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman Amount of the Grant: 500 Riyals Project: Polpala (Aervalanata): Its effects on structure and function of the urinary tract of rats Dr DilaniLokuhetty (Grant Applicant),Dr Mangala Gunatilake
- National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (NSF) – Grant No. RG/99/V/01 Amount of the Grant: Rs. 4,78,195/- Project: Determination of efficacy and virus neutralizing antibody levels in canines before and after immunization with antirabies vaccine – conducted in Kotte, Sri Lanka Dr Mangala Gunatilake (Principal Investigator), Dr OmalaWimalaratne
- National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (NARESA) – Grant No. RG/95/M/3 Amount of the Grant: Rs. 1,84,842/- Project: Investigation of mechanisms of nephrotoxicity in envenomed rabbits using the isolated perfused kidney Dr Tara de Mel (Principal Investigator/Supervisor), Dr Mangala Gunatilake
- Kidney Research Fund Amount of the Grant: Rs. 25,000/- Project: Investigation of mechanisms of nephrotoxicity in envenomed rabbits using the isolated perfused kidney Dr Mangala Gunatilake (Applicant), Dr Tara de Mel
- Sri Lanka Veterinary Association (SLVA) Cost of photocopying of questionnaires and postage Project: Survey on Pre and Post Exposure Vaccination of Veterinarians against rabies infection Dr Mangala Gunatilake (Applicant)
- National Science Foundation Amount of the grant: Rs. 150,000/- Purpose: Sponsorship towards the Pre-Conference Workshop and Symposium on Physiology Teaching of the 3rd South Asian Association of Physiologists in conjunction with the 25th Anniversary of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka was received in 2012 Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- National Science Foundation Amount of the Grant: Rs. 100,000/- Purpose: Sponsorship towards the Inaugural Scientific Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SLALAS) in 2014 Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- National Science Foundation Amount of the Grant: Rs. 375,000/- Purpose: Sponsorship for Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association (SLVA) in 2015 Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- National Science Foundation Amount of the Grant: Rs. 150,000/- Purpose: Sponsorship for the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka (PSSL) in 2015 Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- National Science Foundation Amount of the Grant: Rs. 175,000/- Purpose: Sponsorship for the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka (PSSL) in 2016 Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- Laboratory Animals Limited, UK Amount of the Grant: Є 4580 Purpose: To follow the Certificate Course on Laboratory Animal Science conducted by the Utrecht University, Netherlands in 2009 Dr Mangala Gunatilake
- International Council for Laboratory Animal Science Amount of the Grant: 2000 USD Purpose: To conduct the First International Certificate Course on Laboratory Animal Science in the Asian Region in 2011 Dr Mangala Gunatilake
- Laboratory Animals Limited, UK Amount of the Grant: Є 21,344 Purpose: To conduct the First International Certificate Course on Laboratory Animal Science in the Asian Region in 2011 Dr Mangala Gunatilake
- AAALAC International Amount of the Grant: 1000 USD Purpose: Sponsorship towards the Inaugural Scientific Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science in 2014 Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- Asian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (AFLAS) Amount of the Grant: 400USD Purpose: To sponsor Prof M AAkbarsha from India as a guest speaker for the Certificate course on Laboratory Animal Science organized by the Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science in 2016 Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- International Council for Laboratory Animal Science Amount of the Grant: 2000 Euro Purpose: To conduct the First Certificate Course on Advance Physiology of Pain, analgesia, anaesthesia and euthanasia for laboratory animals in Oct/Nov 2017 on behalf of the Sri Lankan Association for Laboratory Animal Science Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- Laboratory Animals Limited, UK Amount of the Grant: 2000 Euro Purpose: To conduct the First Certificate Course on Advance Physiology of Pain, analgesia, anaesthesia and euthanasia for laboratory animals in Oct/Nov 2017 on behalf of the Sri Lankan Association for Laboratory Animal Science Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- American Physiological Society – International Opportunity Programme Award Amount of the Grant: 7500 USD Purpose: To conduct the First Certificate Course on Advance Physiology of Pain, analgesia, anaesthesia and euthanasia for laboratory animals in Oct/Nov 2017 on behalf of the Sri Lankan Association for Laboratory Animal Science Prof Mangala Gunatilake
- Asian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (AFLAS) Amount of the Grant: 700 USD Purpose: To conduct the First Certificate Course on Advance Physiology of Pain, analgesia, anaesthesia and euthanasia for laboratory animals in Oct/Nov 2017 on behalf of the Sri Lankan Association for Laboratory Animal Science Prof Mangala Gunatilake