Professor Prasad Katulanda
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Publication year: 2016
Tobacco Smoking Among School Children in Colombo District, Sri Lanka
Research Publications
Katulanda P, Liyanage IK, Wickramasinghe K, Piyadigama I, Karunathilake IM, Palmer PH, Mathews DR
Asia Pac J Public Health
Publication year: 2012
Sri Lanka in global medical research: a scientific analysis of the Sri Lankan research output during 2000-2009
Research Publications
Ranasinghe P, Jayawardena R, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2012
Effects of zinc supplementation on diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Research Publications
Jayawardena R, Ranasinghe P, Galappatthy P, Malkanthi RL, Constantine G, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2012
Effects of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon) on blood glucose and lipids in a diabetic and healthy rat model
Research Publications
Ranasinghe P, Perera S, Gunatilake M, Abeywardene E, Gunapala N, Premakumara S, Perera K, Lokuhetty D, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2012
A review of telemedicine interventions in diabetes care
Research Publications
Siriwardena LS, Wickramasinghe WA, Perera KL, Marasinghe RB, Katulanda P, Hewapathirana R
Publication year: 2012
Work-related complaints of arm, neck and shoulder among computer office workers in an Asian country
Research Publications
Ranasinghe P, Perera YS, Lamabadusuriya DA, Kulatunga S, Jayawardana N, Rajapakse S, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2011
Work related complaints of neck, shoulder and arm among computer office workers: a cross-sectional evaluation of prevalence and risk factors in a developing country
Research Publications
Ranasinghe P, Perera YS, Lamabadusuriya DA, Kulatunga S, Jayawardana N, Rajapakse S, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2011
South Asian Consensus Guidelines for the rational management of diabetes in human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Research Publications
Kalra S, Unnikrishnan AG, Raza SA, Bantwal G, Baruah MP, Latt TS, Shrestha D, John M, Katulanda P, Somasundaram N
Indian J Endocrinol Metab 15:242-250.
Publication year: 2011
Quantifying urbanization as a risk factor for noncommunicable disease
Research Publications
Allender S, Wickramasinghe K, Goldacre M, Matthews D, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2011
Prevalence and correlates of tobacco smoking in Sri Lanka
Research Publications
Katulanda P, Wickramasinghe K, Mahesh JG, Rathnapala A, Constantine GR, Sheriff R, Matthews DR, Fernando SS
Asia Pac J Public Health, 23:861-869
Publication year: 2011
Patterns and correlates of adult height in Sri Lanka
Research Publications
Ranasinghe P, Jayawardana MA, Constantine GR, Sheriff MH, Matthews DR, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2011
Management of hyperglycemia in geriatric patients with diabetes mellitus: South Asian consensus guidelines
Research Publications
Baruah MP, Kalra S, Unnikrishnan AG, Raza SA, Somasundaram N, John M, Katulanda P, Shrestha D, Bantwal G, Sahay R
Indian J Endocrinol Metab , 15:75-90.
Publication year: 2011
Genome-wide association study in individuals of South Asian ancestry identifies six new type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci
Research Publications
Kooner JS, Saleheen D, Sim X, Sehmi J, Zhang W, Frossard P, Been LF, Chia KS, Dimas AS, Hassanali N
Publication year: 2011
Derivation of anthropometric cut-off levels to define CVD risk in Sri Lankan adults
Research Publications
Katulanda P, Jayawardena MA, Sheriff MH, Matthews DR
Publication year: 2011
Can we bridge the gap? Knowledge and practices related to Diabetes Mellitus among general practitioners in a developing country
Research Publications
Katulanda P, Constantine GR, Weerakkody MI, Perera YS, Jayawardena MG, Wijegoonawardena P, Matthews DR, Sheriff MH
Publication year: 2011
The prevalence and correlates of the metabolic syndrome among Sri Lankan Adults
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
P Katulanda, NS Gardiyarachchci, MAR Jayawardena,G Katulanda, GR Constantine, R Sheriff,DRMatthews
Publication year: 2010
The distance between the lower edge of the xiphisternum and the center of the umbilicus as an indicator of abdominal obesity and cardiovascular disease risk
Research Publications
Katulanda P, Jayawardena MA, Sheriff MH, Matthews DR
Publication year: 2010
Prevelnce and patterns of dyslipidaemia among adult Sri Lankans
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
HRIS Herath,Pkatulanda,DRMatthews,RSheriff,GRConstantine,ANP De Vas Gunawardena,GWKatulanda
Publication year: 2010
Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Sri Lankan adults
Research Publications
Katulanda P, Jayawardena MA, Sheriff MH, Constantine GR, Matthews DR
Publication year: 2010
Perception,attitudes and behaviour patterns in termination of tobacco smoking in a cohort of school children in the Colombo district
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
IK Liyanage,WAKKWicramasinghe,IMkarunathilake,PKatulanda
Publication year: 2010
Intra-cluster correlation coefficients and design effects for diabetes and related variables-For cluster randomized epidemiological surveys among Sri Lankans
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
P Katulanda,IKliyanage, S Paul, R Seneviratne, DR Mathews
Publication year: 2010
Ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in Sri Lanka
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
P Katulanda,IKliyange,CArunana, RP Rananeliya
Publication year: 2010
Apolipoproteins in diabetes dyslipidaemia in South Asians with young adult-onset diabetes
Research Publications
Katulanda GW, Katulanda P, Adler AI, Peiris SR, Draisey I, Wijeratne S, Sheriff R, Matthews DR, Shine B
Publication year: 2010
Aadequacy of control of hypertension and associated correlates among patients with hypertension in Sri Lanka
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
P Katulanada,APN De vas Gunawardena, RSheriff, REkanayake, RMohideen, UIllangasekara
Publication year: 2010
XUR as an indicator of abdominal obesity and cardiovascular disease Risk
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
Katulanda P, Jayawardena MAR, UA Ganegoda, Sheriff MHR, Matthews DR
Publication year: 2009
Usage patterns of addictive substances among school children in the District of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
Kulatunga S, Liyanage IK, Wickramasinghe WAKK, Palmer P, Karunathilake IM, Piyadigama I, Pathirana ACA, Withanage T, Mathews DR, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2009
Prevalence and correlates of hypertension in Sri Lanka
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
Katulanda P, De Vas Goonawardana APN, Constantine GR, Sheriff R, Matthews DR
Publication year: 2009
Ethnic and province specific prevalence of diabetes n Sri Lanka
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
Ranasinghe P, Kulatunga AVS, Constantine GR, Sheriff MHR, Matthews DR, Katulanda P
Publication year: 2009
Ethnic and province specific prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Sri Lanka
Scientific Meetings - Abstracts
P. Katulanda, P Ranasinghe, AVS Kulatunga, GR Constantine, R.Sheriff, R Matthews
Publication year: 2009
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