Vidya Jyothi Prof. Rohan W. Jayasekara
Qualifications & Fellowships
Awards & Orations
Research & Grants
Teaching Experience
National Journals
Publication Types:
All types ( 226 )
CD/DVD ( 1 )
International Journals ( 56 )
National Journals ( 16 )
Scientific Meetings Published As Abstract- National ( 79 )
Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts -International ( 74 )
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome in a cohort of Sri Lankan Children with 46,XY disorders of Sex Development
National Journals
KSH De Silva, ND Sirisena, WAHK Wijenayaka, MJG Cooray, RW Jayasekara, VHW Dissanayake.
Ceylon Medical Journal. 60; (4): 139-142.
Publication year: 2015
The Sri Lankan Genome Variation Database
National Journals
Pubudu S Samarakoon, Rohan W Jayasekara, Vajira HW Dissanayake.
Sri Lanka Journal of Biomedical Informatics (2011); 1(1): 9-20.
Publication year: 2011
In silico analysis of single Nuclleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) in the Heparin-Binding EGT-like growth factor (HBEGF) gene and their allelic profiles in the Sri Lankan population
National Journals
Harendra GG, Jayasekera RW, Dissanayake VHW.
Sri Lanka Journal of Biomedical informatics 2011:2(1):22-38
Publication year: 2011
Tele-Genetics: Using Low cost internet technology to provide genetic consultations to rural areas in Sri Lanka
National Journals
Dissanayake VHW, Nissansala D, Sadamal S, Jayasekera RW,
Sri Lanka Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2010:1(1):46-48. DOI:
Publication year: 2010
Cytogenetic testing in Paediatrics: Some aspects of the Sri Lanka Scenario
National Journals
Dissanayake VHW, Jayasekara RW,
Sri Lanka Journal of Paediatrics 2008;37(2):38-41. DOI:10.4038/sljch.v37i2.93
Publication year: 2008
A descriptive study of the positions of the supraorbital and infraorbital foramina related to gender and side
National Journals
Jayasekara RT, Ediriwickrama N, Dissanayake MM, , Jayasekara R.W.
Journal of the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka. 13 (2): 84-85.
Publication year: 2007
Prenatal testing and pregnancy termination in Sri Lanka: views of medical students and doctors
National Journals
Simpson B, Dissanayake VHW, Wickramasinghe D, Jayasekara RW.
Ceylon Medical Journal; 48(4):129-132.
Publication year: 2003
Female karyotype (XX) in patients with ambiguous genitalia does not guarantee the absence of intra-abdominal testes
National Journals
Senanayake H, De Silva MVC, Fernando MS, Jayasekara R.
Ceylon Medical Journal 45(2): 69-70.
Publication year: 2000
Pattern of use of medical information made available via an Internet web site
National Journals
Disssanayake VHW, Jayasekara R.
Ceylon Medical Journal. 44: 14-17.
Publication year: 1999
A family with alkaptonuria showing quasidominant inheritance
National Journals
De Silva AP, Seneviratne SL, Gunatilake SB, Fonseka M, Jayasekara R, De Silva HJ.
Ceylon Medical Journal 44(3):130-132.
Publication year: 1999
Factors affecting the age at Natural Menopause in Sinhalese Women
National Journals
Jayasekara R.
Ceylon J. Med. Sci. 37: 23 - 27
Publication year: 1994
Turner Syndrome, how useful is the buccal smear test?
National Journals
De Mel T, Jayasekara R, Warnasuriya N.
Ceylon Medical Journal 37: 83 - 84.
Publication year: 1992
Oral abnormalities in 45XO Turner syndrome in Sri Lanka
National Journals
Jayasekara R, Jiffry MTM.
Sri Lanka Dental Journal. 19:36 - 39.
Publication year: 1990
Chromosome anomalies in Sri Lanka
National Journals
Jayasekara R.
Cey J. Med. Sci. 31 (1):1 - 5.
Publication year: 1988
The influence of socio-economic factors on mean age of Menarche in Sri Lanka
National Journals
Jayasekara R. Goonewardene S.
Ceylon Medical Journal. 32: 89 - 94.
Publication year: 1987
Acceptance of a genetic service in Sri Lanka
National Journals
Jayasekara R
Ceylon J. Med.Sci. 29 (2): 67 - 73.
Publication year: 1986