Professor Shyam Fernando
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All types ( 49 )
Books ( 1 )
CD/DVD ( 1 )
Chapters in the books ( 5 )
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts ( 26 )
Published papers in non-referred journals ( 2 )
Published papers in refereed journals ( 14 )
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Turtle flesh poisoning
Published papers in refereed journals
Ariyanada PL, Fernando SSD
Ceylon Medical Journal
Publication year: 2017
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Publication year: 2016
Proposal for a computer based training system for multiple choice questions in Clinical Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Fernando SSD, Haniffa MR
Publication year: 2003
The impact of behavioural science inputs relevant to clinical work during professorial clinical rotations
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Galappatthy P, Abdulla AA, Gunasekara DT, Hanwella DR, Fernando SSD, De A Seneviratne SR, De FW Goonaratna C
Publication year: 2002
Inhaled devices
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Fernando S, Senaratne W, Gunatilleke S
Publication year: 2002
Antibodies to Hepatitis C virus in patients with chronic renal disease in Sri Lanka
Published papers in refereed journals
Fernando S, Fernando SSD, Sheriff MHR, Vitarana UT
Publication year: 2002
Acute severe asthma in adults
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Fernando S
Publication year: 2002
‘Mind Your Heart’
Fernando, Shyam
Publication year: 2002
Antibodies to Hepatitis C virus in patients who have had multiple transfusions in Sri Lanka
Published papers in refereed journals
Fernando S, Fernando SSD, MHR Sheriff, Vitarana UT
Publication year: 2001
What your patient should know about Asthma
Chapters in the books
Fernando, S
Publication year: 2000
Therapeutic Notes
Chapters in the books
Fernando, S
Publication year: 2000
Inhaled Drug Delivery Devices
Chapters in the books
Fernando, S
Publication year: 2000
Antibodies to Hepatitis C virus in a cohort of Sri Lankan patients who have had multiple transfusions
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Fernando S, Fernando SSD, Welathanthri N, Athukorale I, Mathu S, Sheriff MHR, Vitarana UT
Publication year: 2000
Antibodies to Hepatitis C virus in a cohort of patients with chronic renal disease in Sri Lanka
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Fernando S, Fernando SSD, Mallikahewa R, Cassim R, Sheriff MRH, Vitarana UT
Publication year: 2000
Antibodies to Hepatitis C in selected patients with chronic liver disease in Sri Lanka
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Fernando S, Fernando SSD, Welathanthri N, Balawardene J, Sheriff MRH, Vitarana UT
Publication year: 2000
Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published papers in non-referred journals
SSD Fernando
Publication year: 1999
A survey of computer usage and awareness among medical students
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Katulanda P, Kudalugoda Arachi J, Cassim MRN, Fernando SSD, Sheriff MHR
Publication year: 1999
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in Healthy School Children In Galle
Published papers in non-referred journals
MR Mohideen, AMSK Attanayaka, AMSA Liyadipitiya, LK Manarthunga, SP Jayaweera, SSD Fernando
Galle Medical Journal
Publication year: 1997
Effect of adenosine infusion on oxygen induced carbon dioxide retention in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published papers in refereed journals
Griffiths TL, Fernando SSD, Saunders KB
Publication year: 1996
Adenosine infusion prevents oxygen induced carbon dioxide retention in severe COPD
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Griffiths TL, SSD Fernando, Keatings VM, Saunders KB
Publication year: 1996
Ventilatory sensitivity to single breaths of carbon dioxide around the control point in man
Published papers in refereed journals
Fernando SSD, Saunders KB
Publication year: 1995
The Hayek Oscillator; normograms for tidal volume and minute ventilation using external high frequency oscillation
Published papers in refereed journals
Petros AJ, Fernando SSD, Shenoy VS, Al-Saady NM
Publication year: 1995
Peak expiratory Flow Rate in Healthy School Children in Galle
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Mohideen MR, Attanayake AMSK, Liyadipitiya AMSA, Manathunga LK, Jayaweera SP, Fernando SSD
Publication year: 1995
External high frequency oscillation in normal subjects and in patients with acute respiratory failure
Published papers in refereed journals
Al-Saady NM, Fernando SSD, Petros AJ, Cummin ARC, Sidhu VS, Bennet ED
Publication year: 1995
Spontaneous improvement in a patient with the hepatopulmonary syndrome assessed by serial exercise tests
Published papers in refereed journals
Saunders KB, Fernando SSD, Dalton HR, Joseph A
Publication year: 1994
Isocapnic and small hypercapnic single breath stimuli
Published papers in refereed journals
Fernando SSD, Saunders KB
Publication year: 1994
Effects of deep breaths on subsequent ventilation in man at rest and during exercise
Published papers in refereed journals
Fernando SSD, Saunders KB
Publication year: 1994
The ventilator response to CO2 from a single deep breath compared with two tidal volume breaths at 8% Co2
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Fernando SSD, Saunders KB
Publication year: 1993
A deep voluntary isocapnic inspiration inhibits ventilation in man
Communications at Scientific Meetings Published As Abstracts
Fernando SSD, Saunders KB
Publication year: 1993
Single breath tests of the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide: Experimental and Modeling results
Chapters in the books
Fernando SSD, Saunders KB
Publication year: 1992
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