Wickramasinghe GHIM, Chandrasekharan V, Wijesundera RLC, Mohamed MNA, Perera MDNT and Wijesundera WSS
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Sessions 2016, p 44.
Publication year: 2016

Wickramasinghe GHIM, Chandrasekharan V, Wijesundera RLC, Mohamed MNA, Perera MDNT and Wijesundera WSS (2016). Cloning and expression of 1,4--D-glucosidase, endo- -D-glucanase and cellobiohydrolase genes of Trichoderma in yeast for second generation bioethanol production of ligno-cellulosic biomass.  Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Sessions 2016, p 44.

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