Publication Types:

Development of a rapid, nonradioactive, oligonucleotide-based assay for the detection of Setaria digitata

Publications in peer reviewed journals
Wijesundera WSS., Chandrasekharan NV, Karunanayake EH and Rajapakse R P VJ
Experimental Parasitology, 86: 161-162.
Publication year: 1997

Development of a diagnostic DNA probe to detect Setaria digitata: The causative parasite of cerebrospinal nematodiasis in goats, sheep and horses

Publications in peer reviewed journals
Wijesundera WSS, Chandrasekharan NV, Karunanayake EH and Dharmasena SP
British Veterinary Journal, 152: 561-571.
Publication year: 1996

18O and Secondary 2H Kinetic isotope effects confirms the existence of two pathways for acid catalysed hydrolysis of  - arabinofuranosides

Publications in peer reviewed journals
Bennet, AJ, Sinnot, ML and Wijesundera WSS
Journal of Chemical Society, Perkin Trans. 11, 1233-1236.
Publication year: 1985