in Fertility and Reproductive Medicine at the 7th International Scientific Meeting (2007) of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists held in Montreal, Canada
PK Rajasuriya award for the best free paper
n the poster presentation category for the paper titled ‘Prevalence of Diabetes and Pre- Diabetic status among Urban adults in Sri Lanka” at the 39th annual scientific sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians 2006.
National Science and Technology award
for the Excellence in Multidisciplinary team efforts in research and development. I was the embryologist of this Award wining team.
Best research paper
at the Annual Scientific sessions of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo for the research paper titled “Changes in semen parameters in infertile men attending for infertility treatment observed at the Reproductive Biology unit, University of Colombo
Outstanding community service
from the United States Army in 1990
Presidential Research Award
The Woman of achievement
Science and Technology Sri Lanka (2006) – awarded by the Zonta Internal for the woman achiever of the year in Science and Technology.
SE Seneviratne award
t the Sri Lanka Medical Association Annual Academic Sessions held in March 2002 for the research paper titled ‘ Education regarding the proper taking of iron supplements- its effect on iron deficiency and anemia in pregnancy.
Second best research award
at the 39th annual scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 2006 for the paper titled “A comparative evaluation of sperm quality from pooled sequential ejaculates of men with normal and abnormal semen
Third best research paper award
t the Annual Scientific sessions of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo (2000) for the research paper titled “Predictive value of Serum Fructoseamine in detecting abnormalities in glucose metabolism in pregnant diabetics.
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