Research Grants
- Research grant (as a co-investigator in the team consisting of Prof.Dulitha N. Fernando, Prof. Lalani Rajapaksa, Dr.Upul Senerath, Dr.Wasantha Gunathunga, Mrs.Kantha Lankathilake, Dr. Nalika Gunawardena, Dr.Carukshi Arambepola, Dr.M.C. Weerasinghe, Dr.Dulani Samaranayake, Dr.Shreenika De Silva, Dr. Aravinda wikramasinghe) titled “Assessment of workload of Public Health Midwife”. IDA/WB Grant No: H095 CE-Rs. 1,700,000.00
- Research grant (As co-investigator in the team consisting of Prof. Dulitha N. Fernando, Dr.Wasantha Gunathunga, Dr.Y.D.N. Jayathileka.) Titled “Determinants of Health System performance in relation to devolution of health administration in Sri lanka”. Rs. 1,825,121.00 from Global Forum for Health Research/ WHO Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research
- Research grant (As co-investigator in the team consisting of Prof. Dulitha N. Fernando, Dr. Nalika Gunawardena, Dr.Wasantha Gunathunga, Dr. AASH De Silva) titled Health care waste management in the small scale health institutions within Colombo
- Research grant, Dr. MW Gunathunga (principle investigator) for research on: “study of work performance and training of Public Health Midwives of the Western Province of Sri Lanka“ Rs.70,000.00 from Health Systems Research Regional Branch Colombo.
- Research activities under the UNAIDS Data Base project for Centre for Human Rights of the University of Colombo. 2003. Work involved statistical and epidemiological analysis of the data base.