Don Anushka Sandaruwan Elvitigala, Thanthrige Thiunuwan priyathilaka, Bong-Soo Lim,  Ilson Whang, Sang-Yeob Yeo, Cheol Young Choi, andJehee Lee
Publication year: 2014

Don Anushka Sandaruwan Elvitigala, Thanthrige Thiunuwan priyathilaka, Bong-Soo Lim,  Ilson Whang, Sang-Yeob Yeo, Cheol Young Choi, andJehee Lee. (2014) Molecular profile and functional characterization of the ferritin H subunit from rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus), revealing its putative role in host antioxidant and immune defense. Dev. Comp. Immunol,47, 104-114.