Professor Gnanaselvam Kisokanth
Dept. of Clinical Nursing- Faculty of Nursing
Contact Details
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All types ( 20 )
Other articles ( 5 )
Publications ( 1 )
Refereed Journal articles ( 14 )
Does Nurse Case Management Improve the Health Care Outcomes of Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)! - A Narrative Review.
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Prathapan G, Indrakumar J, Joseph J
Int J Endocr Metab Disorders, 2015; 1(2)
Publication year: 2015
Diet related factors for good glycaemic control among patients with diabetes mellitus in the Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Prathapan S, Indrakumar J, Ilankoon IMPS.
Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 2018; 46 (1): 443-45.
Publication year: 2018
Health care needs and services available for elders in the Batticaloa district.
Other articles
Arulanandem K, Jayawickramaraja PT, Hettige S, Ramanayake RPJC, Kisokanth G.
Sri Lankan Family Physician 2018, 34(1), 3- 10.
Publication year: 2018
Why do we need Nurse Case Management in Selfmanagement of Diabetes Mellitus?
Other articles
Kisokanth G, Ilankoon IMPS, Arulanandem A.
Sri Lankan Family Physician 2018, 34(1), 49-50.
Publication year: 2018
A preliminary study on diabetes self-management education and glycemic control among patients with diabetes mellitus
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Indrakumar J, Prathapan S, Joseph J , Ilankoon IMPS
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2019, 9(9), 98-103
Publication year: 2019
Socio demographic pattern, health problems and social behaviors of adolescents attending Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
Kisokanth G, Arulpragasam AN, Randeny RANS, Fernando AD
Sri Lankan Family Physician Journal 2019, 35(1), 26-32
Publication year: 2019
The burden experienced by elders and family care givers in caring for the elderly in Batticaloa District.
Refereed Journal articles
Arulanandem K, Jayawickramaraja PT, Hettige S, Ramanayake RCPT, Kisokanth G.
Sri Lankan Family Physician Journal 2019, 35(1), 7-11
Publication year: 2019
Knowledge and Practices Regarding Self-Management of Minor Ailments among Pregnant Mothers
Refereed Journal articles
SKSN Samara, FFH Mohamed, KMS Madushanka, G Kisokanth
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 5 (3), 303-312.
Publication year: 2020
Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and environmental health hazards among tea pluckers of Maddekanda tea estate in Balangoda Pradeshiya Saba Division, Sri Lanka.
Refereed Journal articles
19. UHS Chandrasekara, SSP Warnakulasuriya, G Kisokanth
Journal of Public Health Research 9 (4).
Publication year: 2020
Validation of educational material for diabetes self-management education: Judgemental and criterion validity.
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Prathapan S, Indrakumar J, Ilankoon IMPS.
Biomedical Research 2018; 29(11): 2290-2295.
Publication year: 2018
Perceptions, Attitudes and Self-care Practices on Management of Hypertension Among Hypertensive Patients at Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka.
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Ilankoon IMPS, Arulanandem K, Goonewardena CSE, Sundaresan KT, Joseph J.
The Open Hypertension Journal 2018; 10: DOI:10.2174/1876526201810010001
Publication year: 2018
Nutritional Status of Grade Five Students in Selected School of Batticaloa District,
Refereed Journal articles
Lokeesan V, Josepha J, Kisokanth G, Namonithy S.
Nutritional Disorders & Therapy, 2015; 5:2.
Publication year: 2015
Patients with diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care hospital; their Knowledge on disease, treatments and complications
Other articles
Kisokanth G, Prathapan G, Indrakumar J, Joseph J
International Journal of Current Research, 2014; 6(7):7487-7492
Publication year: 2014
Factors influencing self-management of diabetes mellitus - a review article
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Prathapan G, Indrakumar J, Joseph J
Journal of Diabetology, 2013; 3:1.
Publication year: 2013
Assessment of knowledge on the disease, its complications and management strategies among hypertensive patients attending medical clinics at Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Ilankoon IMPS, Arulanandem K, Goonewardena CSE, Sundaresan KT, Joseph J.
Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2016; 3:E30:1-11. doi:
Publication year: 2016
Deliberate self-harm patients admitted to Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa – Influencing factors and consequences
Other articles
Vamadevan C, Rajasekaran V, Kisokanth G, Arulanandem K, Santharuban S.
Batticaloa Medical Journal 2016; 7: 18-22.
Publication year: 2016
Self-Management of Diabetes Mellitus among Tamils in the Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka: A Qualitative Study
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Prathapan S, Indrakumar J, Joseph J
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2016; 15 (5): 455-460.
Publication year: 2016
Factors associated with good glycemic control among Tamil patients with type II diabetes mellitus: a case control study.
Refereed Journal articles
Kisokanth G, Prathapan S, Indrakumar J, Joseph J
Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2016; 11(3)
Publication year: 2004
How much do Tamil patients with diabetes know about complications of diabetes? A descriptive study.
Other articles
Kisokanth G, Prathapan S, Indrakumar J, Joseph J, Arulanandem K
Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes, Endocrinology and metabolism 2017; 7 (1): 8 -12.
Publication year: 2017
Covid-19: Impact on Undergraduate Nursing Education in Sri Lanka.
Refereed Journal articles
IMPS Ilankoon, G Kisokanth, SSP Warnakulasuriya.
Journal of Public Health Research 9 (S1).
Publication year: 2020