Prof. Pandula Siribaddana is a Professor in Medical Education at the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), University of Colombo and a specialist in Digital Health. He has research interests in education technologies, digital health, ICT4D, AI in education and health and blended learning. Prof. Siribaddana is a medical doctor by profession and obtained his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. Following joining the PGIM, Prof. Siribaddana obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Oslo, Norway in Health Information Systems and education technologies. Prof. Siribaddana has been part of the Speciality Board in Biomedical Informatics at the PGIM since its inception and has contributed towards establishing Biomedical Informatics as a speciality in medicine in Sri Lanka. He has also contributed to many health information system developments and implementations in the country working with international agencies such as the WHO, UNICEF, Vital Strategies, CDC Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies. At present, Prof. Siribaddana is the Hon. Treasurer of the Health Informatics Society of Sri Lanka (HISSL) and also leads the Commonwealth Digital Health Awards, which commenced in 2016. Prof. Siribaddana has also contributed as a consultant to the Health Data Collaborative (HDC) of the World Health Organisation in Geneva, where he worked with countries from the Asian region supporting them to overcome health data needs through effective partner collaboration. He led the development of the Country Partner Mapping Tool of the HDC and the Self-Shield project, an AI based mobile platform developed by the Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health as its flagship COVID-19 response tool. Currently, Prof Siribaddana is also a member of the Accreditation Unit of the Sri Lanka Medical Council and functions as the accredited Educator for the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) programme of the American College of Surgeons.
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo.