
  • 2021
    Senate Awards (Early Career Awards) for Research Excellence - 2021
    Commendation awarded in 2022
  • 2020
    Senate Awards (Early Career Awards) for Research Excellence - 2020
    Commendation awarded in 2022
  • 2020
    Faculty Awards for Research Excellence, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo
  • 2019
    Best Poster Award (3rd Place), 31st annual Electronics Packaging Sym- posium, GE Research Center in Niskayuna, NY, USA
  • 2017
    Best Poster Award (3rd Place), 29th annual Electronics Packaging Sym- posium, GE Research Center in Niskayuna, NY, USA
  • 2014
    Inducted Member, Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society, USA
  • 2012-2017
    Graduate teaching assistantship, Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA
  • 2012-2017
    Graduate tuition scholarship, Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA


  • 2021
    The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Research Grant
    TWAS Research Grants Program in Basic Sciences (Group) 2021: Development of a conductive graphene ink for manufacturing of flexible electronics: USD 40,000
  • 2021
    SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics
    “Science Bus” – A traveling science outreach program with intension of bringing science to rural communities of Sri Lanka with limited access to science: USD 2,500