Propagation effects on the electric field time derivatives generated by return strokes in lightning flashes, Mahendra Fernando and Vernon Cooray, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, in print (2007)
The Lightning HF Radiation at 10 MHz, 5 MHz and 3 MHz Associated with Cloud Flashes, Velauthampillai Jeyanthiran, Mahesh Edrisinghe, M. Fernando, Vernon Cooray, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection 2006, Kanazawa,
Signatures of The Lightning HF Radiations at 10 MHz, 5 MHz and 3 MHz Associated with Leader and Return Stroke Process, Mahesh Edirisinghe, J.S. Mäkelä, Raul Montaño, M. Fernando, Vernon Cooray, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection 2006, Kanazawa, Japan
Positive Bipolar Type Radiation Field from Lightning in Sri Lanka, Sharma S.R., M. Fernando, Vernon Cooray, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection 2006, Kanazawa, Japan
Lightning HF Radiation at 10 MHz During Dart Leader and Subsequent Return Stroke Processes, Jakke Mäkelä1, M. Edirisinghe, M. Fernando, R. Montaño and V. Coorar, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection 2006, Kanazawa, Japan
Japan Performance of Low Voltage Varistors Under Repetitive Current Impulse Environment, Mahesh Edirisinghe, Velauthampillai Jeyanthiran, M. Fernando, Vernon Cooray, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection 2006, Kanazawa, Japan
Characteristics of Cloud Flashes Inferred From Measurements of Electric Fields Over Sri Lanka A Tropical Country, JAP Bodhika, M. Fernando, Vernon Cooray, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection 2006, Kanazawa, Japan
Use of AMR sensors for Lightning magnetic field measurement; M Fernando, SR Sharma, P Hettiarachchi, and N Jayawantha; 21st Technical Session, Institute of Physics Sri Lanka, March 2005. International Conference Reports
UK Transients Response of DC Converter station subjected to LIOV, R Montaño, M Edirisinghe, M Fernando and V Cooray, Proceedings of the VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection- SIPDA, Brasil (2005)
The lightning radiation field spectra of cloud flashes in the interval 20kHz to 20MHz, U. Sonnadara, V. Cooray, and M. Fernando, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, accepted (2005)
Signatures of electric field pulses generated by cloud flashes, S.R. Sharma, M. Fernando and C. Gomes, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 67(4), pp. 413-422, March 2005
The fine structure of Positive lightning return stroke radiation fields, V Cooray, M. Fernando, C Gomes, T Sorensson, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 46, No.1 February 2004
Lightning types identification using neural network, S Edirisinghe, IMK Fernando, Annual Sessions – 2004, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, (June 2004)
Lightning radiation field spectra of cloud flashes, U. Sonnadara, V. Cooray and M. Fernando, 27th International Conference on Lightning Protection France, 2004
Frequency Spectrum of the Electromagnetic Fields of Positive Return Strokes, S.R. Sharma, M. Fernando, Vernon Cooray, 27th International Conference on Lightning Protection France 2004
Development of a USB port based data acquisition system for unmanned weather station, HAPK Hettiarchchi and IMK Fernando, 20th Technical Session, Institute of Physics, March 2004.
Characteristics of chaotic pulse trains generated by lightning flashes Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 66, Issue 18, December 2004, Pages 1733-1743,Chandima Gomes, Vernon Cooray, Mahendra Fernando, Raul Montano and Upul Sonnadara
Microcontroller embedded web server with flash support, PCCPW Goonetilleke, WSP Fernando, IMK Fernando and D U J Sonnadara, SLAAS, Proc. 58th Annual Session, Sri Lanka, E1-511 (2002) 216
Effects of distance on the measurement of multiplicity and peak currents of lightning direction finding systems, J.P. Liyanage, C.M. Edirisinghe, D.U.J. Sonnadara and I.M.K. Fernando, SLAAS, Proc. 58th Annual Session, Sri Lanka, (2002).
Development of microcontroller based high capacity standalone data acquisition systems, BWSP Fernando, PCCPW Goonetilleke, IMK Fernando and DUJ Sonnadara, SLAAS, Proc. 58th Annual Session, Sri Lanka, E1-543 (2002) 242
Performance comparison between the magnetic direction finding technique and time-of-arrival technique, D.U.J. Sonnadara, C.M. Edirisinghe and I.M.K. Fernando, IPSL, Proc. 17th Technical Session, Sri Lanka (March 2001).
Measurements of lightning peak currents in the first return stroke of negative cloud to ground flashes, A.B. Weerasekera, D.U.J. Sonnadara, I.M.K. Fernando, J.P. Liyanage, R. Lelwala and T.R. Ariyaratne, Singapore J. of Physics, Vol.17, No. 1 (2001), 37-45.
Construction of a high speed buffer amplifier to measure lightning generated vertical electric fields, C.M. Edirisinghe, I.M.K. Fernando and D.U.J. Sonnadara, IPSL, Proc. 17th Technical Session, Sri Lanka (March 2001).
Activity of Cloud-to-Ground lightning observed in Sri Lanka and in surrounding area of the Indian Ocean, A.B. Weerasekera, D.U.J. Sonnadara, I.M.K. Fernando, J.P. Liyanage, R. Lelwala and T.R. Ariyaratne, Sri Lankan J. of Physics, Vol 2 (2001) 21-30
A simulation study on the correction of the systematic errors in a network of magnetic direction finding network, J.P. Liyanage, D.U.J. Sonnadara and I.M.K. Fernando, SLAAS, Proc. 57th Annual Session, Sri Lanka (2001).
Simulation study of the effect of random and systematic errors in magnetic direction finding stations, J.P. Liyanage, A.B. Weerasekera, D.U.J. Sonnadara and I.M.K. Fernando, Proc. Annual Sessions – 2000, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, (December 2000).
Propagation of lightning generated transient electromagnetic fields over finitely conducting ground, V. Cooray, M. Fernando, T. Sorensen,T. Gotschl, and A Pedersen, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 62, (2000). 583-600
Operative characteristics of a parallel-plate antenna to measure vertical electric fields from lightning fields from lightning flashes, Arturo Galvan and Mahendra Fernando, (2000), ,
Measurements of lightning peak currents in the first return stroke of negative cloud to ground flashes, A.B. Weerasekera, J.P. Liyanage, D.U.J. Sonnadara and I.M.K. Fernando, SLAAS, Proc. 56th Annual Session, Sri Lanka (December 2000).
Locating Cloud-to-Ground lighting flashes with simultaneous two station measurements, D.U.J. Sonnadara, A.B. Weerasekera, I.M.K. Fernando, R. Lelwala, K.P.S.C. Jayaratne, T.R. Ariyaratne, S. Namasivayam & K.R.A Bandara, Sri Lankan J. of Phys., 1 (2000) 11-22