Ms. Jeyakala Jeyarednam is a Senior Lecturer attached to the Department of Private and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo.
She has completed M. Phil in Law (2019-2021) at Faculty of Law, University of Colombo in August, 2022. She has graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo with LL.B (Hons) Second Class Upper Division. She is an Attorney – at – Law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.
She has successfully completed the CTHE course, offered by the staff development Centre of the University of Colombo with SEDA accreditation (UK). She has also completed the MaTE (Making Teaching Effective) course offered by the staff development Centre of the University of Colombo during her temporary appointment.
She has joined the academia soon after completing her bachelors degree. Firstly, she worked as a Lecturer (Temporary) at the Department of Commercial Law from January 2017 to October 2018. She has taught Business Law, Company Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Investment Law and Roman Law during her temporary appointment. She also worked as a Lecturer (Probationary) at the Department of Private and Comparative Law from October 2018 to August 2022. She was confirmed in the post in August 2022 and promoted to Senior Grade II in October 2023. She is involved in teaching Law of Contract, Equity and Law of Trusts, Law of Interpretation of Statutes and Documents and Legal System at the Department of Private and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law.
She also conducts lectures in postgraduate courses and involved in Supervising the candidates in Masters by Research, offered by the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo.
She has participated and presented her research papers in several National and International Legal Research Conferences.