Research project on “Study of the impact of the Indian Ocean Tsunami on the coastal groundwater and understanding the processes that affected the quality of groundwater in southern Sri Lanka coastal belt” – National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka 2006- 2009
National Consultant in Coastal Management Sector- Development of Environment and Natural Resources Sri Lanka- Funded by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Environmental Authority. Battaramulla. 2008.
Coordinator of the Project on “ Rehabilitation and conservation of Palugaswewa cascade tank system” Department of Agrarian Development Department, Ministry of Agrarian and Wildlife, Sri Lanka 2012
Principle researcher– Indo- Sri Lanka research grant the project on “ Developing Method for Assessing Island Vulnerability to Sea level rise and its effect of on livelihood options” Jawaharlal Nehru University- India and Colombo University, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2013
Advisor-Project on “Ecological Restoration the Kapirigama Cascade tank system in Anuradhapura” International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2013
Principle researcher/ Coordinator of the Project on Strengthening the community based organizations, Funded by United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2013
Principle researcher– Water quality distribution and its impact on community livelihood development in upper catchment of the Maha Oya river basin, Funded by Janashakthi Insurance and Lanka Jalani (International Water Management Institute- IWMI) 2013
Project coordinator UNDP Project- UNDP and UoC Collaboration to improve capacity of Community Based Organizations program- 2013
Team Leader, Project coordinator UNDP Project- – 2017: UNDP- Field Data Collection and Compilation and Documentation Assistance for Post Disaster Needs Assessment, May 2017
Consultant – 2016: Water and Soil Quality for Preperation of Wetland Management Strategy for Kalu Oya and Mudun Ela Basins Under Sri Lanka Land Reclaimation and Development Cooperation
Water quality Expert- 2015: Water quality Expert in the project on water use and pollution load assessment in Kelani River within Western Province (2015). Ministry of Mega polis and Western development. Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Cooperation
Consultant and Coordinator 2017 UNDP Project: Landscape Baseline Assessment for the Upgrading GEF SGP Country Programme in Sri Lanka
National Consultant- 2015: Consultant of the committee appointed to explore the consequences of Jaffna Groundwater Oil Contamination 2015 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Services, Animal Husbandry, Irrigation, Water Supply, Food Supply and Distribution and Environment and Cooperative Development-Northern Province, Northern Provincial Council.
Team Leader UNDP Project: Establishment of a Systematic Data Collection and Reporting mechanisms for PDNA and Assistance to Develop Post Disaster Recovery Plan
Team Leader UNDP Project 2018: Pre Disaster data collection on housing and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sectors in selected divisional secretariat divisions in Kaluthera and Rathnapura districts