1988 – 1990: Fulbright Fellowship, Fulbright Foundation
1992, 93, 94 & 95: Rilett Scholarship, Illinois State University
1992: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Illinois State University (two awards)
1993 – 1995: American Heart Association Fellowship, American Heart Association
1994: Jack A Ward Scholarship, Illinois State University
1994: First Place Award, Illinois State Academy of Science
1994 & 95: Graduate Research Symposium Award, Illinois State University
2005, 06 & 07: Presidential award for Research
2019 – 2022: “Efficacy and welfare of Aversive Geofencing Devices for managing the movements of Asian elephants” – National Research Council .
2019 – 2021: Proposal for Long Term conservation of Red Fin Labeo (Labeo lankae) Globally Critically Endangered fish species – Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong.
2017 – 2019: “Impact of linear developments on ecology of wildlife with special reference to roads, railways and power lines in Sri Lanka” – National Research Council.
2001 – 2007: Ecology and behavior of elephants in southern Sri Lanka in relation to their management and conservation – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
2001 – 2003: “Taxonomy of the golden palm civet, Paradoxurus zeylonensis” – Biodiversity and Elephant Conservation Trust.
2000 – 2003: Ecology and behavior of elephants in southern Sri Lanka in relation to their management and conservation – Liz Claiborne Art Ortenberg Foundation.
2000 – 2004: “Diversity, abundance, and species richness of canopy arthropods in Knuckles range and its spatial and temporal distribution related to canopy structure” -National Science Foundation.
1997 – 1999: “Ecology and ranging behavior of wild elephants and human elephant conflict in the northwestern region of Sri Lanka” – UNDP, Department of Wildlife Conservation and Global Environmental Facility.