Kalubowila, P., Lokupitiya, E., Halwatura, D., & Jayathissa, G. (2021). Threshold rainfall ranges for landslide occurrence in Matara district of Sri Lanka and findings on community emergency preparedness. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 52, 101944.
B. K. A. Bellanthudawa, Halwatura, D., N. M. S. K. Nawalage, H. M. A. K. Handapangoda, S. R. Y. S. S. B. Sundarapperuma, D. Kudagama, L. Wijesinghe, W. D. Darshana, M. S. M. Sifan, D. M. J. L. Dassanayake, J. M. S. N. Jayasuriya, P. L. A. D.C. Pinnagoda, R. M. C. Y. Rathnayaka (2021). Applicability of semi quantitative approach to aassess the potential environmental risks for sustainable implementation of water supply schemes: a case study of Sri Lanka. Water Supply; ws2021029. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2021.029
Halwatura, D., McIntyre, N., Lechner, A. M., & Arnold, S. (2017). Capability of meteorological
drought indices for detecting soil moisture droughts. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies,
12, 396-412.
Halwatura, D., Lechner, A. M., McIntyre, N., & Arnold, S. (2016). Uncertainties in estimating design droughts, Paper presented at the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Toulouse, France.
Halwatura, D., McIntyre, N., Lechner, A. M., and Arnold, S.: Reliability of meteorological drought indices for predicting soil moisture droughts, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions., doi: 10.5194/hess-2016-467, 2016.
Halwatura, D. Interview with S. Wikramasinghe. Prepare-before-the-bushfire-season, SBS Australia, 6thJanuary 2015
Halwatura, D. Interview with S. Wikramasinghe. World Environment Day 2015, SBS Australia, 5thJune 2015
Halwatura, D., Lechner, A. M., & Arnold, S. (2015). Drought severity-duration-frequency curves: a foundation for risk assessment and planning tool for ecosystem establishment in post-mining landscapes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(2), 1069-1091.
Halwatura, D., Lechner, A. M., & Arnold, S. (2015). Design droughts: a new planning tool for ecosystem rehabilitation. Int. J. of GEOMATE, 8(1), 1138 -1142.
Halwatura, D., A. M. Lechner, N. McIntyre, T. Baumgartl, & S. Arnold. (2015) Design droughts as planning tool for ecosystem establishment in post-mining landscapes, Poster presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April.
Halwatura, D., McIntyre, N., Lechner, A. M., & Arnold, S. (2015). Adequacy of simple agricultural drought indices. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Science & Aquaculture, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Halwatura, D., Lechner, A. M., & Arnold, S. (2014). Recurrence intervals of meteorological drought events across eastern Australia–implications for disturbed landscapes. Paper presented at the GEOMATE2014: 4th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Brisbane, Australia.
Halwatura, D. Interview with S. Wikramasinghe. How-does-mining-affect-the-environment, SBS Australia, 6th November 2014
Halwatura, D., & Najim, M. (2014). Environmental flow assessment–an analysis. Journal of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka, 3(2), 1-11. doi: 10.4038/jepsl.v3i2.7842
Halwatura, D., Lechner, A. M., & Arnold, S. (2014). Design droughts as planning tool for ecosystem establishment in post-mining landscapes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 11(5), 4809-4849. doi:10.5194/hessd-11-4809-2014
Waniganethti, D., Najim, M., & Halwatura, D. (2013). Influence of climate change on water management of Paddy in Attanagalu Oya basin. Paper presented at the Symposium proceedings of the Water Professional’s Day, Water resources researches in Sri Lanka.
Halwatura, D., Najim, M., & Udayanga, N. (2013). Impacts of Urban Water Management in Attanagalu Oya Basin. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Halwatura, D. &. M. M. M. Najim. (2013). Estimation of environmental flow variations at Attanagalu Oya basin by Range of Variability Approach. Paper presented at the Young Scientists Forum Symposium, Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 18 January.
Halwatura, D., A. M. Lechner & S. Arnold. (2013) Bivariate drought frequency analysis across eastern Australia: Implications for post-mining land rehabilitation. Sustainable Mineral Institute research higher degree student conference, Brisbane, Australia, 21 November.
Halwatura, D., & Najim, M. M. M. (2013). Application of the HEC-HMS model for runoff simulation in a tropical catchment. Environmental Modelling & Software, 46, 155-162.
doi:10.1016/j. envsoft.2013.03.006
Waniganethti, D., Najim, M., & Halwatura, D. (2012). Seasonal Variation of Rainfall at Attanagalu Oya Basin. Paper presented at the Water Professional’s Day, Water resources researches in Sri Lanka.
Halwatura, D. & M. M. M. Najim. (2012). Runoff Modelling of a Wet Zone Watershed in Sri Lanka Using HEC-HMS, Paper presented at the 18th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo Sri Lanka. 17-18 May.
Waniganethti, D., D. Halwatura & M.M.M. Najim. (2012). Frequency Analysis of Average and Maximum Rainfall and Seasonal Variation of Rainfall at Attanagalu Oya Basin, Paper presented at the 5th National Geographic conference, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 18-19 May.
Halwatura, D. & M.M.M. Najim. (2012). Environmental Flow Assessment in Attanagalu Oya. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 17-18 May.
Halwatura, D. & J. Wattavidanage. (2012). Diversity of icthyofauna in an abandoned and an active paddy field in Boralugoda GN Division in Kaduwela Municipal Council area, Paper presented at the 18th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 17-18 May.
Waniganethti, D., D. Halwatura & M.M.M. Najim. (2012). Adaptation to climate change and water management in paddy farming systems in Attanagalu Oya basin, Paper presented at the 5th National Geographic conference. University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 18-19 May.
Halwatura, D., Weerasinghe, K.D.U.S., 2010. Lotic Freshwater Pollution- Past and Present:
Case studies from Colombo and Gampaha, Cynosure. University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka.
Weerasinghe, K. D. U. S., D. Halwatura & Najim, M. M. M. (2009). Lotic Freshwater Pollution- Past and Present: Case studies from Colombo and Gampaha. Paper presented at the 1st National Symposium on Natural Resource Management, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. 29 – 30 August.