Publication Types:

Social Network use and personality- special reference to Colombo District, Sri Lanka

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Dhanushanthini, Y.
Proceedings of the 2nd Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS 2018), Faculty of Business studies, Vavuniya Campus. University of Jaffna
Publication year: 2018

The impact of customer based brand equity on purchase intention: An application of Aaker’s model in LG electronics products, Sri Lanka.

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Yoganathan, D.
Proceedings of the Third Annual International Conference on marketing. Colombo, Sri Lanka: The International Institute of Knowledge Management.
Publication year: 2015

The impact of after sales services on customer satisfaction: special reference to LG electronics products, Sri Lanka.

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Nivethika, A. & Dhanushanthini, Y.
Proceedings of the twelfth International Conference on Business Management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: University of Sri Jeyawathanapura
Publication year: 2015

Youth as consumers of microcredit: A study in the aftermath of War

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Jebarajakirthy, C., & Yoganathan, D.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Marketing. Colombo, Sri Lanka: The International Institute of Knowledge Management.
Publication year: 2014

Customer perceptions of relationship marketing orientation: A comparative study between public and private commercial banks in Sri Lanka

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Yoganathan, D., & Jebarajakirthy, C. 
Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference (pp. 216-228). Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. 
Publication year: 2014

Building customer equity through the relationship marketing orientation: A study of Insurance Companies in Sri Lanka.

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Yoganathan, D.
Proceedings of the second International Conference on marketing (pp 112), Colombo, Sri Lanka: The International Institute of Knowledge Management.
Publication year: 2014

The effects of relationship marketing practices on customer loyalty: Special reference to insurance companies in Sri Lanka.

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Dhanushanthini, Y.
 Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Business and Information, Colombo, Sri Lanka:  University of Kelaniya 
Publication year: 2013

The application of relationship marketing perspective in public and private licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka.

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Dhanushanthini, Y.
Proceedings of the Jaffna University International Research Conference (pp.31). Colombo, Sri Lanka:  University of Jaffna
Publication year: 2012

Perception of relationship marketing orientation among customers: special reference to insurance companies in Jaffna district. 

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Dhanushanthini, Y.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Business Management (Vol. 9, pp.102- 114). Colombo, Sri Lanka: University of Sri Jeyawathanapura
Publication year: 2012

The impact of RMO on Brand equity: with special reference to licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka.

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Fazeela, & Dhanushanthini, Y.
 Proceedings of the eight International Conference on Business Management (Vol. 8, pp. 598). Colombo, Sri Lanka: University of Sri Jeyawathanapura
Publication year: 2011

The impact of relationship marketing orientation on Brand Equity with reference to private commercial banks in Sri Lanka.

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Dhanushanthini, Y.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Trends in Innovative Management. Colombo, Sri Lanka:  Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. 
Publication year: 2011