

Understanding Sustainable Healthy Diets: Colombo Medical Congress 2020;150th Anniversary celebrations of the Medical Faculty.2020.

Street foods and healthy diets- a review of available information from Asia: WHO/FAO inter regional meeting to promote healthy diets through the informal food sector, held in Thailand. 2019

Evidence-informed health decision making:workshop on Cochrane Systematic Review methodology held in Faculty of Medicine, Colombo 2018.

Desk review of IYCF in Sri Lanka 2006 to 2017:Ministry of Health, and WHO country office organised stakeholder workshop on infant and young child feeding practices. 2017

 Body composition assessment:Pre congress sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association.2015.

 Diet and lifestyle:seminar on post menopausal obesity at the annual sessions of the Menopause Society 2015.

 Sugar- working towards guidelines:Recent Advances in nutrition, Annual scientific sessionsorganised by the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka in 2014.

Salt- evidence and controversies:Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka in 2013.

Nutrition in Adolescence:Seminar on Recent Advances in nutrition, organised by the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka in 2012.

Improving quality of life of women in Sri Lanka through nutrition education:Inaugural General Assembly of the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA).2011

 Improving Adolescent nutrition -priority setting: Nutrition Month inauguration sessions organised by the Nutrition coordination division, ministry of healthcare and nutrition in 2010.

Understanding Sustainable Healthy Diets: Colombo Medical Congress 2020;150th Anniversary celebrations of the Medical Faculty.2020.

Street foods and healthy diets- a review of available information from Asia: WHO/FAO inter regional meeting to promote healthy diets through the informal food sector, held in Thailand. 2019

Evidence-informed health decision making:workshop on Cochrane Systematic Review methodology held in Faculty of Medicine, Colombo 2018.

Desk review of IYCF in Sri Lanka 2006 to 2017:Ministry of Health, and WHO country office organised stakeholder workshop on infant and young child feeding practices. 2017

 Body composition assessment:Pre congress sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association.2015.

 Diet and lifestyle:seminar on post menopausal obesity at the annual sessions of the Menopause Society 2015.

 Sugar- working towards guidelines:Recent Advances in nutrition, Annual scientific sessionsorganised by the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka in 2014.

Salt- evidence and controversies:Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka in 2013.

Nutrition in Adolescence:Seminar on Recent Advances in nutrition, organised by the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka in 2012.

Improving quality of life of women in Sri Lanka through nutrition education:Inaugural General Assembly of the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA).2011

 Improving Adolescent nutrition -priority setting: Nutrition Month inauguration sessions organised by the Nutrition coordination division, ministry of healthcare and nutrition in 2010.

Professional Details

  • 20252008

    Registered Nutritionist

    Ceylon Medical College Council

  • 20252008

    Registered Nutritionist

    Sri Lanka Medical Council

  • 20252025

    Life member and Editor

    Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka

  • 20252008

    Life Member

    Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science

Sample Title

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  • sample text. sample text.