- 2016 -2019 Reducing cardiometabolic risk by addressing adolescent health and nutrition (20162018). Ongoing doctoral project working on body composition and energy expenditure through stable isotopes and development of an intervention programme.
Financial support – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Corporation grant no SRL 6035. (Main counterpart)
- 2014 to date Longitudinal measures of body composition from 0 to 24 months – Multicenter study. The Sri Lankan arm is within an ongoing doctoral project with a student registered at the University of Colombo.
Financial support – IAEA CRP (co investigator)
- 2014 – date Micronutrient status obesity, cardiometabolic markers including body composition in 7-9 year old primary school children – ongoing Mphil project.
Financial support – National Science Foundation research Contract grant no: RG/2014/HS/09 (principal investigator and grant holder)
- 2008 to date Improving accuracy of dietary estimation : development and validation of Portion Size Assessment tools in the form of photographs, line diagrams and realistic food models for Sri Lankan populations. No financial assistance
- 2010 – 2014 Body composition analysis, biochemical risk markers and lifestyle in identifying risk of dysglycaemia and relationship to body fat in urban adult women in Sri Lanka and effectiveness of a culturally appropriate nutrition and lifestyle modification counseling programme for reduction of cardiovascular disease risk. Doctoral project with PhD awarded in 2014.
Financial support –
- International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) Research Contract, grant no 15920: (2009-2012). (co investigator)
- University of Colombo Research grant AP 03 (Principal Investigator and grant holder).
- 2013 – 2014 Iron and Vitamin A status and effect of supplementation among healthy infants funded by the National Science Foundation (co investigator- not grant holder)
- 2012 – 2014 Hydration status and micronutrient status in national level athletes. Funded by the Department of Biochemistry
- 2008 – 2010 Assessment of Body Composition and Improving Micronutrient Health status of Adolescent girls through Dietary Modification – Doctoral project with PhD awarded in 2012 :
Financial support –
- International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) Technical Cooperation Project no: SRL/6030 (2008-2011). (Co Investigator ).
- Nutrition Coordination Division of the Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition. Grant No: 2.1.b.G/vi (2008-2011) (Co investigator).