Professional Activities
- Honorary Secretary, Sri Lanka Society of Gastroenterology: 2011-12
- Council member, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka (2012 -)
- Council member, Sri Lanka Hepato-Pancreatico Biliary Association (2011-)
- Editorial board member, Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery (2012-)
- Member, Research & Higher Degrees Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo (2012 – )
- Member, Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo (2012 -)
- Member, Electives Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo (2011-)
- Senior Student Counselor, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo (2012 -)
- Senior Treasurer, Medical Faculty Students Union (2012 -)
- Member of Review Panel for University Research Grant applications (2012)
- Member of the National Drugs and Therapeutics Committee of the Medical Supplies Division (2012-)
- Coordinator of the Examination for the Registration to Practice Medicine (ERPM) in Sri Lanka revision course in Surgery conducted by the Department of Surgery
- Examiner in Surgery at the Final MBBS (End of Clinical Sciences Stream) examinations at the Faculties of Medicine of Colombo, Sri Jayawardenapura & Ruhuna.
- Examiner at the MD (Surgery) Part 1 examination conducted by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.
- Coordinator for Surgery at the Examination for the Registration to Practice Medicine (ERPM) in Sri Lanka, conducted by the Sri Lanka Medical Council
- Organization and conduct of Morbidity Mortality, Journal Club, Radiology conference and Histopathology meetings in the National Hospital of Sri Lanka and Faculty of Medicine, Colombo.
- Convener of the Gastro-intestinal Module, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo.
- Departmental representative to the Library Committee
- Resource person for Fitness to Practice question setting sessions in Surgery at the General Medical Council (GMC), UK organized by ACME.
- Trainer for Basic Surgical Skill training course conducted for junior medical officers at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge.
- Stage 1 OSCE examiner for the Clinical School of the University of Cambridge.
- Departmental representative to the student committee of the Graduate School of Life Sciences, University of Cambridge.
- Undergraduate: Community stream research projects
- Postgraduate: PhD project of student from the Institute of Indigenous Medicine (IIM)
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