Professor Sivasuriya Sivaganesh
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Abstracts / Presentations ( 9 )
Recipient DCs generate cytotoxic & alloantibody responses by a novel pathway of alloantigen presentation
Abstracts / Presentations
S Sivaganesh, K Saeb-Parsy, C J Callaghan, R Motallebzadeh, T M Conlon, M C Negus, E M Bolton, J A Bradley & G J Pettigrew
Publication year: 2009
Inhibitory Fc receptors in acute and chronic allograft rejection.
Abstracts / Presentations
C J Callaghan, T S Win, S Sivaganesh, E M Bolton, J A Bradley, R J Brownlie, K G Smith and G J Pettigrew
Publication year: 2009
Allospecific B cells can receive effective help from CD4 T cells that recognise an unrelated antigen
Abstracts / Presentations
T M Conlon, K Saeb-Parsy, S Sivaganesh, R Motalleb-Zadeh, C J Callaghan, E M Bolton, J A Bradley, G J Pettigrew
Publication year: 2009
Acquisition of intact alloantigen by recipient DCs provokes cytotoxic CD8 T cell and alloantibody responses
Abstracts / Presentations
S Sivaganesh, M Negus, T M Conlon, K Saeb-Parsy, R Motalleb-Zadeh, E M Bolton, J A Bradley, G J Pettigrew
Publication year: 2009
Alloantibody-associated chronic rejection of MHC class I-disparate heart grafts is modulated by intravenous soluble donor alloantigen
Alistair J. Easterfield, Luc Delriviere, Margaret S. Wallduck, Sivasuriya Sivaganesh, J. Andrew Bradley and Eleanor M. Bolton
Publication year: 2007
Alloantibody-associated chronic rejection of MHC class I-disparate heart grafts is modulated by intravenous soluble donor alloantigen
Abstracts / Presentations
Alistair J. Easterfield, Luc Delriviere, Margaret S. Wallduck, Sivasuriya Sivaganesh, J. Andrew Bradley and Eleanor M. Bolton
Publication year: 2007
Starting an endosonography service : Our early experience
Abstracts / Presentations
Sivaganesh S, De Zoysa M I M, Samarasekera D N
Publication year: 2006
The first line treatment for varicose ulcers
Abstracts / Presentations
Abayajeewa A N K, Sivaganesh S, Sheriffdeen A H
Publication year: 2002
Optimal yield from a diagnostic mammography centre
Abstracts / Presentations
Sivaganesh S, De Zoysa M I M, Sheriffdeen A H
Publication year: 2002
`Collar incision for an acute abdomen’- case presentation
Abstracts / Presentations
Sivaganesh S
Publication year: 2002