Professional Achievements and Activities
- Founder member of the South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network. (SAIFRN) – Sponsored by AusAID Public Sector Linkages Program 2007/10. Partner organizations: Sydney School of Public Health University of Sydney;University of Western Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Colombo; Family Health Bureau, Colombo, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh; Indira Gandhi Medical College, Nagpur, India, Grant Medical College, Mumbai, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Health Education and Literacy Program, Karachi, Pakistan, Ministry of Health and Population, Nepal, Nepal Institute of Health Sciences, and Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston USA.
Other activities
- Editor – Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka
- Convener / National Coordinating Committee for Reproductive Health Research(Since Jan 2010 to date)
- Course Coordinator for Certificate in Biostatistics and Epidemiology for Research
- Module Coordinator – Postgraduate Diploma in Health Development, Online Course in Health Program Management
- Senior Lecturer in Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Lecturer from Nov 2001 to July 2005 and Senior Lecturer from July 2005 to date,:
- Save the Children. U Senarath, MC Weeerasinghe, and R. Jayatissa. Assessment of current nutrition situation in Rathnapura district. January 2014.
- South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN) Funded by the AusAID Public Sector Linkages Program. The Complementary Feeding practices in South Asia involving India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 2010-2011 by the SAIFRN. Lead investigators: Upul Senarath and Michael J Dibley. The activities include project coordination, facilitating regional meetings in Delhi and Kathmandu, technical consultancy to Pakistan group in Islamabad, analysis of DHS data, compiling research articles, and dissemination of results locally and internationally, and publishing a supplement in the Maternal & Child Nutrition journal
- UNFPA – Extent, trends and determinants of teenage pregnancy, 2011. Report prepared by Dulitha Fernando, NalikaGunawardena, ChrishanthaWeerasinghe& Upul Senarath
- UNICEF / WFP / Medical Research Institute of the Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition – Nutrition and Food Security Survey 2010. Local Advisors and Report Writing: Dulitha N Fernando and Upul Senarath
- UNFPA: Reproductive Health Needs Assessment in North and Eastern Provinces in Sri Lanka, 2009. Co-investigators: Dulitha N Fernando, Upul Senarath and M.C. Weerasinghe.
- UNICEF for National Study on Evaluation of the Early Childhood Programme, 2008. Consultants: Dulitha N. Fernando,Upul Senarath MC Weerasinghe and A.G.W. Nanayakkara
- IDA-World Bank (Health Sector Development Project) and Family Health Bureau. Study on Assessment of the workload of the Public Health Midwife, 2008 – Principal Investigator and Project coordinator: Upul Senarath
- AusAID Public Sector Linkages Programme for the South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN), 2007-09. Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in South Asia: A Review of Demographic and Health Surveys and National Family Health Surveys 2000-2006. Co-founders of SAIFRN and lead investigators: Upul Senarath & Michael Dibley
- UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific. 2007. Breast Feeding & Infant Feeding Practices in East & Southeast Asia: Michael J Dibley, Upul Senarath, Kingsley E Agho,A review of Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), Multiple Indicator Country Survey (MICs) and selected National Nutrition Survey data. Co-investigators: Michael Dibley, Upul Senarath & Kingsley Agho
- UNICEF, 2004 Report on the in-depth review (formative evaluation) of the Early Childhood Programme by Dulitha N. Fernando, Upul Senarath, 2004.
- UNICEF and Family Health Bureau 2001. Health status of children in drought affected areas in Hambantota district – a rapid assessment survey done in collaboration with UNICEF – Principal Investigator and Project coordinator: Upul