Knowledge, attitudes and practices on folic acid supplementation among pregnant mothers and the services provided by Public Health Midwives in Kegalle Medical Officer of Health area. Dr. AravindaWickramasinghe, MSc. Community Medicine, PGIM, Completed in 2012.
Determinants of antenatal care utilization in a district of Northern Sri Lanka. Dr. S. Sivaganesh, MSc. Community Medicine, PGIM, completed in 2008.
Quality and Parental Satisfaction on Care Provided by Child Care Centers in Kandy Municipal Council Area. Dr. S.N.K. Navaratne, MSc. Community Medicine, PGIM, completed in 2009.
Knowledge and practices of postnatal mothers regarding early childhood care development. Dr. M.M. Marasinghe, PGIM, completed in 2010.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of non-communicable diseases among school children in the Vavuniya district. Dr. P.A.D. Coonghe, PGIM, completed in 2011.
Nutritional status of preschool children attending well baby clinics in Nugegoda Medical Officer of Health (MOH) area. Dr. Nandanie, Postgraduate dip. Health Development, Faculty of Medicine, completed in 2007.
Prevalence of non-communicable diseases and their and risk factors in two public health midwife areas in MOH area Udubaddawa. Dr. C.K.P. Samarasinghe, Postgraduate dip. Health Development, Faculty of Medicine, completed in 2008.
Knowledge and attitudes of well women clinic programme in a sub-urban area in Colombo district. Dr. S. Edirisinghe, Postgraduate dip. Health Development, Faculty of Medicine, completed in 2011.