Title | Grant No., awarding body and period of award |
Total Award(Rs) |
Involvement |
Development of a phosphate biofertilizer for improved phosphorus nutrition of rice | NARP/16/UC/SC/01
National Agricultural Research Plan of Ministry of Agriculture 2016-2018 (2 y) |
2,020,900/ | Principal Investigator |
Development of a biofertilizer for cinnamon and pepper
University of Colombo 2016-2019 |
2,564,300/ | Principal Investigator |
Use of microorganisms to improve solubility of phosphate fertilizer | RG/2011/AG/06
National Science Foundation 2013-2016
Principal Investigator |
Use of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria as biofertilizers to improve Sri Lankan agriculture
National Research Council 2011-2014 |
Principal investigator
Principal Investigator |
A study of the diversity of macrofungi in selected dry zone forest reserves and investigation of their bioactive compounds
National Research Council 2013-2015 |
Collaborator |
Isolation, identification and characterization of health beneficial bacteria and pathogenic microflora of dairy origin in Sri Lanka. | RG/2016/AG/02
National Science Foundation 2016-2019 |
2,000,500/ | Collaborator |
Identification and characterizations of the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on rice plant growth and its microbiome with special emphasis on biofertilizer establishment and effectiveness
Project CRP/LKA23-01
2024-2027 |
Euro 30,000 | Principal Investigator |