Academic Distinctions / Fellowships

  • 1994
    Awarded the “Professor B.L.T. de Silva Memorial Prize” for the most outstanding student at the final Special Degree (Botany) examination in Science, University of Colombo.
  • 1992
    Awarded the “University of Colombo Botany Department Staff Prize” for the best performance in Botany at the first and second examinations in Science, University of Colombo.
  • 1986
    Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship (Merit) based on the performance at the G. C.E (A/L) Examination
  • 2012/2013
    IWMI Award 2012/2013 sponsored by International Water Management Institute for the winner of the Competition on ‘Water Resources Development and Management for future challenges; Role of Engineer Meeting Future Challenges of Water Resources Development/Management in Sri Lanka’. Best Technical Paper (over 35 y of age) by Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka was awarded to the joint paper ‘Floating wetlands for management of algal washout from waste stabilization pond effluent: A case study at Hikkaduwa waste stabilization pond’ authored by Kalubowila, S., Jayaweera, M., Nanayakkara, C.M. and Gunatilleke, N De S.
  • 2010
    Cochran Fellowship – 2010- Tenable in the USA – Training received on “Biotechnology – Executive Training for Minister Level” offered by the USDA/FAS.
  • 2002
    ADB grant for human resource development in Universities- for Doctoral studies

Awards Received

  • 2021
    National Awards for Excellence in Agricultural Research: Non-plantation Sector- Second Prize -2021; Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research
  • 2021
    National Awards for Excellence in Agricultural Research: Non-plantation Sector- Third Prize- 2021; Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research
  • 2021
    National Awards for Excellence in Agricultural Research: Livestock, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – Second Prize- 2021; Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research
  • 2019
    Presidential Award (Category-Patent)
  • 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020
    Faculty of Science Research Award for Excellence in Research
  • 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022
    University of Colombo Senate Award for Excellence in Research (Commendation)
  • 2017
    Support Scheme for Supervision of Research Degrees (SUSRED) 2017. Category: Ph. D.: Was awarded to the dissertation titled “Investigating metabolites of selected macrofungi for anticancer activity, induction of apoptosis and isolation of active compounds, by National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka
  • 2017
    Best poster presentation-Section D, at the 73rd Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. Title: Antimicrobial peptides in web silk of Nephilengys malabarensis (hermit spider) are secreted by the aggregate gland
  • 2015; 2016; 2018
    NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication
  • 2012/2013
    IWMI Award 2012/2013 sponsored by International Water Management Institute; Best Technical Paper (over 35 y of age) by Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka was awarded to the joint paper ‘Floating wetlands for management of algal washout from waste stabilization pond effluent: A case study at Hikkaduwa waste stabilization pond’ authored by Kalubowila, S., Jayaweera, M., Nanayakkara, C.M. and Gunatilleke, N De S.

Research Grants Received

Title Grant No., awarding body and period of award

Total Award(Rs)

Development of a phosphate biofertilizer for improved phosphorus nutrition of rice NARP/16/UC/SC/01

National Agricultural Research Plan of Ministry of Agriculture

2016-2018 (2 y)

2,020,900/ Principal Investigator
Development of a biofertilizer for cinnamon and pepper



University of Colombo


2,564,300/ Principal Investigator
Use of microorganisms to improve solubility of phosphate fertilizer RG/2011/AG/06

National Science Foundation





Principal Investigator
Use of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria as biofertilizers to improve Sri Lankan agriculture



National Research Council


Principal investigator


Principal Investigator
A study of the diversity of macrofungi in selected dry zone forest reserves and investigation of their bioactive compounds



National Research Council




Isolation, identification and characterization of health beneficial bacteria and pathogenic microflora of dairy origin in Sri Lanka. RG/2016/AG/02

National Science Foundation


2,000,500/ Collaborator
Identification and characterizations of the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on rice plant growth and its microbiome with special emphasis on biofertilizer establishment and effectiveness


Project CRP/LKA23-01


Euro 30,000 Principal Investigator