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Production of amylase enzymes from fungi isolated from Eucalyptus leaf litter

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
GLSN De Silva, CM Nanayakkara, SS Ediriweera, NN Wijayawardene, KGSU Ariyawansa
Proceedings of the 12th YSF Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission, Sri Lanka
Publication year: 2024

Morphology, phylogeny and pathogenecity of pestalotioid-like taxa associated with scab disease of guava in the Ratnapura district of Sri Lanka

Poster presentations published as abstracts
Medawaththa MBNS, Nanayakkara CM, Wijayawardene NN, Ariyawansa KGSU
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Sessions of Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, pg 60
Publication year: 2024

In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of selected fungal endophytes isolated from two species of family Pandanaceae in Sri Lanka

Abstract Publications
De Silva DPTH, Dabarera WNN, Ediriweera SS, Nanayakkara CM, Ariyawansa KGSU, Wijayawardene NN, Jayasinghe RPK, Karunarathna SC, Dai D
43rd Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, pg 81.
Publication year: 2024

Folios lichens as essential hosts for lichenicolous fungi: Insughts from Horton Plains, Sri Lanka

Poster presentations published as abstracts
H. Dangalla, nanayakkara, CM, Jayalal, RGU, Dai DQ, Wijayawardane, NN
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Sessions of Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, pg 57
Publication year: 2024

Evaluation of probiotic fermentative capability of Sri Lankan traditional rice variety, “Sudu Heenati”: Compositional and physico-chemical characterization, 

Abstract Publications
Jayawardana D, Rajawardana U, Herath T, Nanayakkara C, Liyanage S and Samaranayake M
The 5th International Electronic Conference on Foods
Publication year: 2024

Characterization of Bacillus velezensis DCJ 2 isolated from the rhizosphere soil of aglaonema ‘Maria’ and investigation of its plant growth-promoting effects

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Subhashini MHAD, Nanayakkara CM, Senanayake DMJB
Brazilian Journal of Development, 10 (05) Pg. 1-23; 
Publication year: 2024

Cellulolytic, amylolytic activity and antibacterial properties of fungal endophytes isolated from Avicennia marin

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
RGS Anurangi, CM Nanayakkara, SS Ediriweera, NN Wijayawardene, RPPK Jayasinghe, KGSU Ariyawansa
Publication year: 2024

Bioactivity profiling of termite associated fungus Trichoderma virens for antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer activities

Poster presentations published as abstracts
Amarasinghe, AKOD, Nanayakkara, CM, de Silva, D, Punyasiri PAN
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Sessions of Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, pg 58
Publication year: 2024

Research and Development to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts on Food Security in Sri Lanka, Chapter 06, In: YSF Thematic Publication, pg 104- 126

Books and Book Chapters
Padukkage, D and Nanayakkara C.M.
Publication year: 2024

Ilmenite-derived titanic acid species: exploring their outstanding light-independent antibacterial activity, RSC Advances 14:3379- 3389

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Wickramasinghe ND, Sampath AHJ, Nanayakkara CM, de Silva KMN, de Silva WRM
Publication year: 2024



Water footprint of paddy cultivation under controlled runoff conditions: a case study in Kurunagala district, Sri Lanka, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Palliyaguru MPGNM, Navaratne CM, Wickramasinghe DD and Nanayakkara CM
Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, 26(2). Pg. 122-134
Publication year: 2023

Studying the microbial community interactions of Sri Lankan milk microbiota for different cattle breeds, 

Abstract Publications
Udara MA, Rajawardana DU, Hewajulige IGN, Nanayakkara CM, Fernando SPC
43rd Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, pg. 76
Publication year: 2023

Prevalence, isolation, and identification of histamine forming bacteria in selected nodes of supply chain of Sri Lankan Yellowfin tuna, Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 51(2): 215-223

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Ginigaddarage PH, Ganegama Arachchi GJ, Ariyawansa KWS and Nanayakkara CM
Publication year: 2023
  • Ginigaddarage PH, Ganegama Arachchi GJ, Ariyawansa KWS and Nanayakkara CM (2023). Prevalence, isolation, and identification of histamine forming bacteria in selected nodes of supply chain of Sri Lankan Yellowfin tuna, Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 51(2): 215-223

Modern Agriculture: Meeting Future Food Demands through Sustainable solutions

Nanayakkara CM
Plants and Ecosystems, 3 pg 1-2
Publication year: 2023

Microbial community composition analysis of Sri Lankan milk microbiota for different lactation phases,

Abstract Publications
Udara MA, Fernando SPC, Rajawardana D U, Hewajulige IGN, Nanayakkara CM
Proceedings of 6th ITI Biennial International Research Symposium, Industrial Technology Institute of Sri Lanka, pg. 8
Publication year: 2023

Investigation of leaf litter fungal diversity and their enzyme profiles in a selected Eucalyptus plantation in Sri Lanka, 

Abstract Publications
De Silva GLSN, Nanayakkara CM, Ediriweera SS, Wijayawardene NN, Dai D, Ariyawansa KGSU
43rd Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, pg. 82
Publication year: 2023

Investigation of Impact of phosphate fertilizer applied to paddy fields on water quality of nearby reservoirs, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Palliyaguru MPGNM, Navaratne CM, Wickramasinghe DD and Nanayakkara CM
International Journal of Current Science and Research and Review, 6(4); 2438-2442; DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V6-i4-25
Publication year: 2023

Extracellular enzymatic activities of halophilic fungi in Kalpitiya area of Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka, 

Abstract Publications
Bandara PHHJ, Arokkiam DA, Ediriweera SS, Nanayakkara CM, Ariyawansa KGSU, Wijayawardene NN, Jayasinghe RPPK, Dai D, Karunarathna SC
43rd Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, pg. 80
Publication year: 2023

Diversity of fungal endophyte morphotypes of Mangrove plant Avicennia marina in the Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka, 

Abstract Publications
Fernando MKD, Ediriweera SS, Nanayakkara CM, Wijayawardene NN, Jayasinghe RPPK, Dai D, Karunarathna SC, Ariyawansa KGSU
43rd Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, pg.79
Publication year: 2023

Diversity and industrial potential of endophytic fungi isolated from Avicennia marina in the Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka

Abstract Publications
Anurangi RGS, Nanayakkara CM, Ediriweera SS, Wijayawardene NN, Jayasinghe RPPK, Dai D, Karunarathna SC, Ariyawansa KGSU
43rd Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, pg. 84
Publication year: 2023

Antioxidant activities of lichen-associated fungi of mangrove ecosystems in Sri Lanka, 

Abstract Publications
Happitiya HADNN, Nanayakkara CM, Ariyawansa KGSU, Ediriweera SS, Wijayawardene NN, Jayasinghe RPPK, Dai D, Karunarathna SC
43rd Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, pg. 68
Publication year: 2023

Antibacterial activities of lichen-associated fungi in mangrove ecosystems in Sri Lanka as potent candidates for novel antibiotic agents

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Happitiya HADNN, Nanayakkara CM, Ariyawansa KGSU, Ediriweera SS, Wijayawardene NN, Jayasinghe RPPK, Don-Qin Dai, Karunarathna SC
SLIT International Conference on Advancements in Sciences and Humanities, pg. 397-403
Publication year: 2023

A potential Eucalyptus foliar pathogen reported from the Hanthana range in Sri Lanka, 

Abstract Publications
Brahmanage R, Wijayawardene NN, Wijesundara S, Nanayakkara CM, Muthumala CK, Ariyawansa KGSU
Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium, University of Colombo, pg 222
Publication year: 2023

Chapter 09: Exploitation of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Growth of the Food Industry, In: Biological Wealth for Economic Prosperity, Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, pp 118-134

Books and Book Chapters
Rajawardana DU, Vidyasekara EVRT, Nanayakkara CM and Hewajulige IGN
Publication year: 2023

Fungi-based Meat Analogues: Next Generation Meat Alternatives, Chapter 05, In: Biological Wealth for Economic Prosperity, Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, pp 60-71

Books and Book Chapters
Gunasekara DLPE, Nanayakkara CM
Publication year: 2023

Chapter 24. Overview of Sri Lankan Fungi and Lichen Research, In: Biodiversity Hotspot of the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka. (July, 2023). T. Pullaiah (Ed). CRC Press

Books and Book Chapters
Galappaththi MCA, Karunarathna SC, Nanayakkara CM, Stephenson SL, Dauner L, Wijayawardene N and Jayalal U.
Publication year: 2023

ISBN (Hard cover) 9781774913758

Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of ascomycetous fungi originally described in Sri Lanka 611 NO. 1: 31 AUG. 2023, pg 1-105, Magnolia Press, New Zealand

Wijayawardene NN, Dong-Qin Dai, Premarathne BM, Wimalasena MK, Jayalal RGU, Wickramanayake KD, Dangalla H, Jayathunga WH, Brahmanage RS, Karunarathna SC,  Weerakoon G, Ariyawansa KGSU, Yapa PN, Madawala S, Nanayakkara, CM, Fan X, Kirk PM, Zhang G, Ediriweera A, Bhat DJ, Dawoud TM, Tibpromma S & Wijesundara DSA,
Publication year: 2023

ISBN 978-1-77688-862-7 (PAPERBACK)

ISBN 978-1-77688-863-4 (ONLINE EDITION)

Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of Basidiomycota, originally described from Sri Lanka, PHYTOTAXA 621 (1), pp 01-86, Magnolia Press, New Zealand

Karunarathna SC, Priyashantha AKH, Tibpromma S, Galappaththi MCA, Premarathne BM, Wijayawardene NN, Wimalasena MK, Jayalal RGU, Wickramanayake KD, Dangalla H, Jayathunga WH, Brahmanage RS, Weerakoon G, Ariyawansa KGSU, Yapa N, Nanayakkara CM, Ediriweera S, Fan X, Kirk PM, Zhang G, Ediriweera A, Bhat DJ, Dawoud TM, Kumara KLW, Deng CY,  Dai DY, Wijesundara S. &  Madawala S.
Publication year: 2023

ISBN 978-1-77688-894-8 (paperback)

ISBN 978-1-77688-895-5 (Online edition)

Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa, Mycosphere 14(1): 1960–2012; Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/14/1/23

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Hyde KD et al. (2023)
Publication year: 2023

Eucalyptus leaf spot disease caused by Coniella eucalyptorum in Sri Lanka, Phytotaxa 630 (1): 040-050

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Brahmanage R, Wijayawardene NN, Nanayakkara CM, Muthumala CK, Dong-Qui Dai, Wijesundera S and Ariyawansa KGSU
Publication year: 2023
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