Machine learning approaches for asthma disease prediction among adults in Sri Lanka

Gunawardana, J., Viswakula, S., Rannan-Eliya, R. P., & Wijemunige, N.
Health Informatics
Publication year: 2024

Machine learning approaches for asthma disease prediction among adults in Sri Lanka, Gunawardana, J., Viswakula, S., Rannan-Eliya, R. P., & Wijemunige, N. (2024), Health Informatics Journal, 30(3),

Validation of Fluorescence in Situ hybridization (FISH) Assay Using An Analyte-Specific Reagent in Detecting Aneuploidies of Chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y in Prenatal Diagnosis

Pahala Ralalage BMSK, Kaluarachchi N, Randunu M, Jainulabdeen M, Nanthakumar R, Viswakula S, Galhena BP. Validation of Fluorescence in Situ hybridization (FISH) Assay Using An Analyte-Specific Reagent in Detecting Aneuploidies of Chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y in Prenatal Diagnosis. OBM Genetics 2023; 7(1): 177; doi:10.21926/obm.genet.2301177
Publication year: 2023

Nationwide descriptive study of COVID-19 in children below the age of 14 years in Sri Lanka

MNS Cabraal, RIU Samarawickrama, KARR Kodithuwakku, SD Viswakula and SR Lantra
Nationwide descriptive study of COVID-19 in children below the age of 14 years in Sri Lanka}, MNS Cabraal, RIU Samarawickrama, KARR Kodithuwakku, SD Viswakula}, SR Lantra (2021). Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, Volume 50, Issue 1.
Publication year: 2021

Multivariate spatio-temporal approach to identify vulnerable localities in dengue risk areas using Geographic Information System (GIS)

Gayan P. Withanage, Malika Gunawardana, Sameera D. Viswakula, Krishantha Samaraweera, Nilmini S. Gunawardena & Menaka D. Hapugoda
Withanage, G.P., Gunawardana, M., Viswakula, S.D. et al. Multivariate spatio-temporal approach to identify vulnerable localities in dengue risk areas using Geographic Information System (GIS). Sci Rep 11, 4080 (2021).
Publication year: 2021

Use of Novaluron-Based Autocidal Gravid Ovitraps to Control Aedes Dengue Vector Mosquitoes in the District of Gampaha, Sri Lanka

Gayan P Withanage, Sameera D Viswakula, Yasanthi Silva Gunawardene and Menaka D Hapugoda
BioMed Research International, Volume 2020.
Publication year: 2020

Pattern of nucleotide variants of TP53 and their correlation with the expression of p53 and its downstream proteins in a Sri Lankan cohort of breast and colorectal cancer patients

Vahinipriya Manoharan1, Eric Hamilton Karunanayake1, Kamani Hemamala Tennekoon, Sumadee De Silva, Ahamed Ilyas Ahamed Imthikab, Kanishka De Silva, Preethika Angunawela, Sameera Vishwakula and John Lunec
BMC Cancer, Volume 20, Issue 72.
Publication year: 2020

Entomological surveillance with viral tracking demonstrates a migrated viral strain caused dengue epidemic in July, 2017 in Sri Lanka

Gayan P Withanage, Hapuarachchige C Hapuarachchi, Sameera Viswakula, YI Nilmini Silva Gunawardena and Menaka Hapugoda
PloS one, Volume 15, Issue 5.
Publication year: 2020

A statistical framework for peak-calling in ChIP-seq data

Viswakula, S.D. and Kim, N.K.
Publication year: 2019

A statistical framework for peak-calling in ChIP-seq data, (under preparation)

Machine Learning for Pre-Auction Sample Selection

I. H. Wijesinghe and S. D Viswakula
National Information Technology Conference (NITC), Colombo 2018.
Publication year: 2018

A forecasting model for dengue incidence in the District of Gampaha

Gayan P Withanage, Sameera D Viswakula, YI Nilmini Silva Gunawardena, Menaka D Hapugoda
Publication year: 2018

A forecasting model for dengue incidence in the District of Gampaha, Sri Lanka, Gayan P Withanage, Sameera D Viswakula, YI Nilmini Silva Gunawardena, Menaka D Hapugoda. (2018) Parasites & vectors

Feedback Delay as an Approach to Teaching Oral Radiographic Technique

Bruhn A., Newcomb, T., and Viswakula, S.
Publication year: 2017

Feedback Delay as an Approach to Teaching Oral Radiographic Technique, Bruhn A., Newcomb, T., and Viswakula, S., Radiology Science and Education, AEIRS (2017).

Spatial and seasonal analysis of human leptospirosis in the District of Gampaha, SriLanka

T.H. Denipitiya, V. Chandrasekharan, W. Abeyewickreme, S. Viswakula, M. Hapugodaand
Publication year: 2016

Spatial and seasonal analysis of human leptospirosis in the District of Gampaha, SriLanka, T.H. Denipitiya, V. Chandrasekharan, W. Abeyewickreme, S. Viswakula, M. Hapugodaand (2016). Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases.

A Pilot Model for Predicting the Success of Prehospital Endotracheal Intubation

Diggs, L.A., Viswakula, S.D., Sheth-Chanda, M., Leo, G. D.
Publication year: 2015

A Pilot Model for Predicting the Success of Prehospital Endotracheal Intubation, Diggs, L.A., Viswakula, S.D., Sheth-Chanda, M., Leo, G. D. (2015). The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 202-208.

Secondary structure predictions for long RNA sequences based on inversion excursions: preliminary results

Yehdego, D. T., Kodimala, V. K., Viswakula, S., Zhang, B., Vegesna, R., Johnson, K. L., Taufer, M., Leung M.Y.
Publication year: 2012

Secondary structure predictions for long RNA sequences based on inversion excursions: preliminary results, Yehdego, D. T., Kodimala, V. K., Viswakula, S., Zhang, B., Vegesna, R., Johnson, K. L., Taufer, M., Leung, M.-Y., (2012)., pp., 545-547. ACM, New York, NY: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine.

Diagnostics for matched case control studies: SAS macro for Proc Logistic

Viswakula, S. and Sooriyaarachchi, M.,R.
Publication year: 2011

Diagnostics for matched case control studies: SAS macro for Proc Logistic. Viswakula, S. and Sooriyaarachchi, M.,R. (2011), pp.13-23., Journal of the National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka, 39.