Research Interests

  • Computational Statistics
  • Probabilistic Modeling
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistical Bioinformatics
  • Biological Data Modeling

Research Experience

  • Ph.D. Dissertation – Old Dominion University. August, 2012 – May, 2015
    Title: Zero inflated models to identify transcription factor binding sites in ChIP-seq experiments
    I developed a technique to identify binding sites of transcription factors on DNA using ChIP-Seq data. I incorporated additional covariates to the existing Poisson model and extended the existing NEXT-Peak, peak-calling C++ program to find the improvements in peak calling.
  • MS Thesis – University of Texas at El Paso. August, 2010 – July, 2011
    Title: Distributional properties of inversions and segmentation algorithms for RNA sequences

    I derived some distributional properties of inversions (RNA secondary structure patterns) and introduced two new segmentation algorithms for long RNA sequences. These algorithms help to segment the long RNA sequences, when a grid based secondary structure prediction mechanism is used.
    Available at

  • Final Year Project – BSc in Statistics, University of Colombo. Sem II, 2007-08
    Title: Diagnostics for matched case control studies: SAS macro for Proc Logistic.
    I designed an interface using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for Microsoft Excel and used the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) automation and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) of SAS to link the interface to the SAS macro.