An oxidized ergosterol from Pleurotus cystidiosus active against anthracnose causing Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

Inoka P. Menikpurage, D.T.U. Abeytunga, Neil E. Jacobsen, R.L.C. Wijesundara
Mycopathologia, 2009, 167(3): 155-162
Publication year: 2009

Structural studies on the neutral glycosphingolipids of Manduca sexta

D.T.U. Abeytunga, Lynne Oland, Arpad Somogyi, Robin Polt
Bio Organic Chemistry, 2008, 36(2): 70-76
Publication year: 2008

Cholesterol lowering edible mushroom tablets and powder satches

D.T.U. Abeytunga, Inoka P. Menikpurage, W.D. Ratnasooriya, W. Pathirana
Patent No: 14471
Publication year: 2008

D.T.U. Abeytunga, Inoka P. Menikpurage, W.D. Ratnasooriya, W. Pathirana. Cholesterol lowering edible mushroom tablets and powder satches.  Patent No: 14471, 2008, National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka

Antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of three traditional decoctions used for the treatment of cancer in Sri Lanka

M.G.A.N. Perera, S.S.S.B.D.P. Soysa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, R. Ramesh
Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2008, 4 (15): 172-181
Publication year: 2008

Antinociceptive activity of Pleurotus cystidiosus, an edible mushroom in rats

D.D. Kudahewa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, W.D. Ratnasooriya
Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2008, 4(13): 37- 41
Publication year: 2008


Antifungal activity of Pleurotus cystidiosus against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

Inoka P. Menikpurage, D.T.U. Abeytunga, R.L.C. Wijesundara
Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium, University of Colombo October 23-25, 2008
Publication year: 2008

Anti-oxidative activity of Pleurotus cystidiosus

Inoka P. Menikpurage, S.S.S.B.D.P. Soysa, D.T.U. Abeytunga
64th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science, December 1-6, 2008
Publication year: 2008

Activity directed fractionation of Pleurotus ostreatus in search of analgesics

N.S. Vasudewa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, W.D. Ratnasooriya
Pharmaceutical Biology, 2008, 46(5): 295-301
Publication year: 2008

Total phenolic and gallic acid content strongly associate with antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of three traditional decoctions used for treatment of cancer in Sri Lanka

M.G.A.N. Perera, S.S.S.B.D.P. Soysa, A.A.S. Adikary, D.T.U. Abeytunga
Fourth International Conference on Expanding Horizons in Collaborative Cancer Care, San Francisco, California, USA, November 15-17, 2007
Publication year: 2007

NMR Spectroscopy

Prof. R.B. Bates
ISBN: 955-9244-28-0
Publication year: 2007

Title: NMR Spectroscopy

Author: Thusitha Abeytunga

Editor: Prof. R.B. Bates

ISBN: 955-9244-28-0

Published by Institute of Chemistry -2007

Mass Spectrometry

Prof. R.B. Bates & Dr. Arpad Somogyi
ISBN number: 978-955-50240-0-6
Publication year: 2007

Title: Mass Spectrometry

Author: Thusitha Abeytunga

Editor: Prof. R.B. Bates & Dr. Arpad Somogyi

ISBN number: 978-955-50240-0-6

Published in 2007

Harnessing Biologically Active Compounds from Mushrooms

R.S. Ramakrishna
Publication year: 2007

R.S. Ramakrishna Memorial Oration and Gold Medal Award on “Harnessing Biologically Active Compounds from Mushrooms”, Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon. January 3, 2007

Antinociceptive activity of Pleurotus Ostreatus, an edible mushroom, in rats

N.S. Vasudewa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, W.D. Ratnasooriya
Pharmaceutical Biology, 2007, 45 (7): 533-540
Publication year: 2007


Simple aromatic acids and their salts in controlling the growth of Rhizoctonia solani under laboratory conditions

D.T.U. Abeytunga, H.S.S. Hapuarachchi, W.A. Jayasundara, R.L.C. Wijesundera
Ceylon Journal of  Science (Bio. Sci.), 2006, 35(2): 149 -155
Publication year: 2006

Synthesis of Diene Ceramides with Organozirconium Reagents

Shang-U Kim, Thusitha U. Abeytunga, Robin L. P
229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 13-17, 2005
Publication year: 2005

Antinociceptive activity of Pleurotus ostreatus on rats

N.S. Vasudewa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, W.D. Ratnasooriya
International symposium on Heral Medicine, Phytopharmaceuticals and other Natural Products: Trends and Advances, Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 15-17, 2005
Publication year: 2005

Presence of sphingomyelins and changes in their composition during the life cycle of the moth Manduca Sexta

D.T.U. Abeytunga, James J. Glick, Nicholas J. Gibson, Lynne Oland, Arpad Somogyi, Vicki H. Wysocki, Robin Polt
Journal of lipid research, 2004, 45(7): 1221 -1231
Publication year: 2004

Fucosylated Glycosphingolipid from Manduca sexta

D. Thusitha U. Abeytunga and Robin Polt
AFASSA Regional Symposium on Natural Products, Barigama, Sri Lanka, 16-18 June 2004
Publication year: 2004

Anti-bacterial activities of Volvariella volvacea

W.A.S.W. Perera, D.T.U. Abeytunga, R.L.C. Wijesundera
J. National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 2001, 29 (1&2): 61-68
Publication year: 2001

Screening of the methanol extract of Pleurotus ostreatus for antibacterial and antifungal activity

D.E. Jayawardena, D.T.U. Abeytunga, R.L.C. Wijesundera
Annual Sessions, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, 2000, 1: 2
Publication year: 2000

Characterization and assessment of anti-fungal activity of chemically modified berberine

D.T.U. Abeytunga, B.N.Pathiratne, W.M.S.R. Ratnayaka
J. National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 2000, 28 (3): 215-223
Publication year: 2000

Isolation and identification of hexoses and nucleosides from Volvariella volvaceae

A.S.W. Perera, D.T.U. Abeytunga
Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 1999, 16 (1), 9.
Publication year: 1999

Isolation and identification of fungi from mushroom composts and evaluation of their biological activity

Ramani Wickremasinghe, Krishanthi Abeywickrama, D.T.U. Abeytunga
 J. National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 1999, 27 (1): 29-40
Publication year: 1999

Structure-antibacterial activity of some aromatic acids

D.T.U. Abeytunga, T.E.M. Peiris, R.L.C. Wijesundera
J. Natn. Sci. Coun. Sri Lanka, 1998, 26 (2): 133-139
Publication year: 1998

Activity of some aromatic acids against Rhizoctonia solani

D.T.U. Abeytunga, T.E.M. Peiris, V. Jayasinghe, R.L.C. Wijesundera
54th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science, Dec. 1998
Publication year: 1998


Furans from the culture filtrate of Trichoderma viridae

D.T.U. Wijayaratne, W.A.S.W. Perera
53rd Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science, Dec. 1997
Publication year: 1997

Antifungal activity of some berberine derivatives

D.T.U. Wijayaratne, C.T. Sirimanne, H.G. Jayathillake, I.W.A.D.P.Palipana
Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 1997, 14 (1), 9
Publication year: 1997

Antibacterial activity of Piperine and its derivatives

D.T.U. Wijayaratne, D. Herath, R.L.C. Wijesundera
Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 1997, 14 (1), 17
Publication year: 1997

Isolation of an antifungal aza-sugar from Aspergillus fumigatus

D.T.U. Wijayaratne, K.P. Abeywickrama, P.D.F. Chandani, R. Wickramasinge
52nd Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science, Nov. 1996
Publication year: 1996

Stereochemistry of 4,5-Dihydroxy alpha santonin and structure of a new santonin oxidation product

S.K.Paknikar, B.L. Malik, R.B. Bates, S. Caldera, T.U. Wijayaratne
Tetrahedron letters, 1994, 35: 8117-8118
Publication year: 1994