Strengthening Technology and Knowledge Transfer from Sri Lankan Universities by The Establishment of University Business Linkage Cells

Abeytunga, T., Aturupane, H., Madhusanka, N., Liyanage, P.A.M., Cooray, N.G.
Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences 46(2), 177-196
Publication year: 2023

Fucoidan purified from Sargassum polycystum induces apoptosis through Mitochondria-Mediated Pathway in HL-60 and MCF-7 Cells

I.P.S. Fernando, K.K.A. Sanjeewa, H.G. Lee, H.-S. Kim, A.P.J.P. Vaas, H.I.C. De Silva, C.M. Nanayakkara, D.T.U Abeytunga, D.-S. Lee, J.-S. Lee, Y.-J Jeon
Marine Drugs, 2020, 18(4): 196
Publication year: 2020

Characterization and cytoprotective properties of Sargassum natans fucoidan against urban aerosol-induced keratinocyte damage

Ilekuttige Priyan Shanura Fernando, Kalu Kapuge Asanka Sanjeewa, Hyo Geun Lee, Hyun-Soo Kim, Andaravaas Patabadige Jude Prasanna Vaas, Hondamuni Ireshika Chathurani De Silva, Chandrika Malkanthi Nanayakkara, Dampegamage Thusitha Udayangani Abeytunga, Won Woo Lee, Dae-Sung Lee, You-Jin Jeon
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 159: 773-781
Publication year: 2020

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Sulfated Polysaccharide from Sargassum Swartzii in Macrophages via Blocking TLR/NF-Κb Signal Transduction

Thilina U Jayawardena, KK Sanjeewa, DP Nagahawatta, Hyo-Geun Lee, Yu-An Lu, APJP Vaas, DTU Abeytunga, CM Nanayakkara, Dae-Sung Lee, You-Jin Jeon
 Marine Drugs, Volume 18, Issue 12, pages 601
Publication year: 2020

Anti-inflammatory activity of Pleurotus ostreatus, a culinary medicinal mushroom in Wistar rats

W.J.A. Banukie N. Jayasuriya, Shiroma M Handunnetti, Chandanie A. Wanigatunge, Gita H. Fernando, D. Thusitha U. Abeytunga and T. Sugandhika Suresh
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2020
Publication year: 2020

Fucoidan isolated from Padina commersonii inhibit LPS-induced inflammation in macrophages blocking TLR/NF-κB signal pathway

K.K. Asanka Sanjeewa, T.U. Jayawardena, H.-S. Kim, S.-Y. Kim, I.P.S. Fernando, L. Wang, D.T.U. Abeytunga, W.-S. Kim, D.-S. Lee, Y.-J. Jeon
Carbohydr. Polym. 2019, 224:115195
Publication year: 2019

Beijing urban particulate matter-induced injury and inflammation in human lung epithelial cells and the protective effects of fucosterol from Sargassum binderi (Sonder ex J. Agardh)

I.P. Shanura Fernando, Thilina U. Jayawardena, Hyun-SooKim, Won WooLee, A.P.J.P. Vaas, H.I.C. De Silva, G.S. Abayaweera, C.M. Nanayakkara, D.T.U. Abeytunga, Dae-Sung Lee, You-Jin Jeon
Environmental Research, 2019, 172: 150-158
Publication year: 2019

A keratinocyte and integrated fibroblast culture model for studying particulate matter-induced skin lesions and therapeutic intervention of fucosterol

I.P. Shanura Fernando, Thilina U. Jayawardena, Hyun-Soo Kim, A.P.J.P. Vaas, H.I.C. De Silva, C.M. Nanayakkara, D.T.U. Abeytunga, WonWoo Lee, Ginnae Ahn, Dae-Sung Lee, In-Kyu Yeo, You-Jin Jeon
Life Sciences, 2019, 233: 116714
Publication year: 2019

The potential of fucoidans from Chnoospora minima and Sargassum polycystum in cosmetics: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, skin-whitening, and antiwrinkle activities

I.P.S. Fernando, K. K. Asanka Sanjeewa, K. W. Samarakoon, H.-S. Kim, U. K. D. S. S. Gunasekara, Y.-J. Park, D. T. U. Abeytunga, W. W. Lee and Y.-J. Jeon
Journal of Applied Phycology. 2018, 30: 3223-3232
Publication year: 2018

Inhibitory effect of the nucleophile in Ullmann condensation: theoretical and experimental investigation

D. A. Vithanage, A.R. Liyanage, D.C. Madushani, M.A.L. Fernando, A.P.J.P. Vaas, D.T.U. Abeytunga, D.P. Dissanayake
Molecular Catalysis, 2017, 438:30-36
Publication year: 2017


FTIR characterization and antioxidant activity of water soluble crude polysaccharides of Sri Lankan marine algae

P. Shanura Fernando, K. K. Asanka Sanjeewa, Kalpa W. Samarakoon , H. H. Chaminda Lakmal, Won Woo Lee, Hyun-Soo Kim, Eun-A Kim, U.K.D.S.S. Gunasekara, D.T.U. Abeytunga, Chandrika Nanayakkara , E.D. de Silva, Hyi-Seung Lee, You Jin Jeon
Algae, 2017, 32(1): 75-86
Publication year: 2017

Occurrence, structure elucidation, biosynthesis, functions and synthesis of sphingadienes

Thusitha U. Abeytunga
Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 2015, 12: 282-292
Publication year: 2015

Hypoglycaemic activity of culinary Pleurotus ostreatus and P. cystidiosus mushrooms in healthy volunteers and Type 2 diabetic patients on diet control and the possible mechanisms of action

W.J.A. Banukie N Jayasuriya, Chandanie A Wanigatunga, Gita H Fernando, D. Thusitha U Abeytunga, T. Sugandhika Suresh
Phytotherapy Research, 2015, 29 (2): 303-309
Publication year: 2015

Effect of acetone extract of culinary mushroom Pleurotusostreatus on carrageenan induced phagocytic cell infiltration and nitric oxide production by rat peritoneal cells. Nutrients

WJA Banukie N Jayasuriya, Shiroma M Handunnetti, Chandanie A Wanigatunga, Gita H Fernando, Thusitha U Abeytunga, T Sugandhika Suresh
6(10): 4144
Publication year: 2014

WJA Banukie N Jayasuriya, Shiroma M Handunnetti, Chandanie A Wanigatunga, Gita H Fernando, Thusitha U Abeytunga, T Sugandhika Suresh, Effect of acetone extract of culinary mushroom Pleurotusostreatus on carrageenan induced phagocytic cell infiltration and nitric oxide production by rat peritoneal cells. Nutrients 2014, 6(10): 4144

Antidiuretic Activity of the Methanol Extract of Aporusa lindleyana Wight (Euphorbiacea) Baillon in Rats

Susantha K Ganegamage, Thusitha U Abeytunga, Wanigasekara D Ratnasooriya
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 13 (7): 1099-1105
Publication year: 2014


Anticancer and antioxidant effects of selected Sri Lankan marine algae

H.H. Chaminda Lakmal, Kalpa W. Samarakoon, WonWoo Lee, Ji-Hyeok Lee, D.T.U. Abeytunga, Hyi-Seung Lee, You-Jin Jeon
J. National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 2014, 42 (4): 315-323
Publication year: 2014

Oral Hypoglycemic Activity of Culinary-Medicinal Mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus and P. cystidiosus (Higher Basidiomycetes) in Normal and Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

W.J.A.B.N. Jayasuriya, T.S. Suresh, D.T.U. Abeytunga, G.H. Fernando, C.A. Wanigatunga,
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2012, 14(4): 347–355
Publication year: 2012

cystidiosus mushrooms on glycosylated haemoglobin(HbA1c) levels on normal and diabetic male Wistar rats

Jayasuriya WJABN, Suresh TS, Abeytunga DTU, Fernando GH, Wanigatunga CA
78: 540-541
Publication year: 2012

Jayasuriya WJABN, Suresh TS, Abeytunga DTU, Fernando GH, Wanigatunga CA, Effects of Pleurotusostreatus and P. cystidiosus mushrooms on glycosylated haemoglobin(HbA1c) levels on normal and diabetic male Wistar rats. Planta Medica 2012, 78: 540-541

Antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity of the edible muchroom, Pleurotus cystidiosus against Hep-2 carcinoma cells

Inoka P. Menikpurage, S.S.S.B.D.P. Soysa, D.T.U. Abeytunga
J. National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 2012, 40 (2): 107-114
Publication year: 2012

Inhibition of lipid peroxidation by extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus

D. P. Dissanayake, D.T.U. Abeytunga, N.S. Vasudewa, W.D. Ratnasooriya
Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2009, 4 (19): 266-271
Publication year: 2009

An oxidized ergosterol from Pleurotus cystidiosus active against anthracnose causing Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

Inoka P. Menikpurage, D.T.U. Abeytunga, Neil E. Jacobsen, R.L.C. Wijesundara
Mycopathologia, 2009, 167(3): 155-162
Publication year: 2009

Structural studies on the neutral glycosphingolipids of Manduca sexta

D.T.U. Abeytunga, Lynne Oland, Arpad Somogyi, Robin Polt
Bio Organic Chemistry, 2008, 36(2): 70-76
Publication year: 2008

Antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of three traditional decoctions used for the treatment of cancer in Sri Lanka

M.G.A.N. Perera, S.S.S.B.D.P. Soysa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, R. Ramesh
Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2008, 4 (15): 172-181
Publication year: 2008

Antinociceptive activity of Pleurotus cystidiosus, an edible mushroom in rats

D.D. Kudahewa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, W.D. Ratnasooriya
Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2008, 4(13): 37- 41
Publication year: 2008


Activity directed fractionation of Pleurotus ostreatus in search of analgesics

N.S. Vasudewa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, W.D. Ratnasooriya
Pharmaceutical Biology, 2008, 46(5): 295-301
Publication year: 2008

Antinociceptive activity of Pleurotus Ostreatus, an edible mushroom, in rats

N.S. Vasudewa, D.T.U. Abeytunga, W.D. Ratnasooriya
Pharmaceutical Biology, 2007, 45 (7): 533-540
Publication year: 2007


Simple aromatic acids and their salts in controlling the growth of Rhizoctonia solani under laboratory conditions

D.T.U. Abeytunga, H.S.S. Hapuarachchi, W.A. Jayasundara, R.L.C. Wijesundera
Ceylon Journal of  Science (Bio. Sci.), 2006, 35(2): 149 -155
Publication year: 2006

Presence of sphingomyelins and changes in their composition during the life cycle of the moth Manduca Sexta

D.T.U. Abeytunga, James J. Glick, Nicholas J. Gibson, Lynne Oland, Arpad Somogyi, Vicki H. Wysocki, Robin Polt
Journal of lipid research, 2004, 45(7): 1221 -1231
Publication year: 2004

Anti-bacterial activities of Volvariella volvacea

W.A.S.W. Perera, D.T.U. Abeytunga, R.L.C. Wijesundera
J. National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 2001, 29 (1&2): 61-68
Publication year: 2001

Characterization and assessment of anti-fungal activity of chemically modified berberine

D.T.U. Abeytunga, B.N.Pathiratne, W.M.S.R. Ratnayaka
J. National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 2000, 28 (3): 215-223
Publication year: 2000