Publication Types:

Standardization of Thoravature Tailaya: A Sri Lankan traditional formula used in chronic kidney disease

Research with abstracts
Kulathunga R.D.H, Gunarathna E.D.T.P , Jayawardhana N.D.N., De Silva R.H.S.K ,Ranasinghe R.L.D.S , Falsul haq M. H , Fernando P , Arawwawala L.D.A.M.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 6th ICAUST
Publication year: 2018

Efficacy of Unani management modalities in congenital hypothyroidism

Research with abstracts
Shifra ASF, Faslul Haq MH, Simthiya MMF
a case study – Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 6th ICAUST
Publication year: 2018

Cosmetic potential herbs in al QanunFilTibb:a review

Research with abstracts
FathimaShifaraM.F., Faslulhaq M.H.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 5th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine (ICAUST 2017)
Publication year: 2017

Efficacy of Unani Management Modalities in Congenital Hypothyroidism

Research with abstracts
Shifra ASF, Faslul Haq MH, Simthiya MMF
A Case study. Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 5th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine (ICAUST 2017)
Publication year: 2017

Knowledge, attitude and treatment seeking behavior for their gynecological problems of mothers who attend Ayurveda general clinics in the Colombo division - a survey

Research with abstracts
ZainabZubair, FaslulHaq MH
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 5th International Conference onAyurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine(ICAUST 2017)
Publication year: 2017

Quality of life among mothers of children with normal development and mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy.

Research with abstracts
Fathima Rifshiya A R., Faslul Haq MH.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, TradMed International 2017, Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine
Publication year: 2017

Unani Medicine for Child- well-being.

Research with abstracts
Faslul Haq M.H
Full paper published as in the conference proceeding book, BMICH AYURVEDA EXPO
Publication year: 2016

Traditional Management of Morning sickness during Pregnancy A survey study

Research with abstracts
Shiffra .F., FaslulHaq MH
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 4th National Symposium on Traditional Medicine. IIM
Publication year: 2016

Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome by Sri Lankan spices

Research with abstracts
Faslul Haque MF, Faslul Haq MH, Sinan
Case series study. Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 4th National Symposium on Traditional Medicine. IIM
Publication year: 2016

Relationship between learning more than one language and the cognitive development in early childhood A Review

Research with abstracts
Rismiya N, Fazlul Haq M.H.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 4th National Symposium on Traditional Medicine. IIM
Publication year: 2016

Impact of developmental delay in children on their behavior and the mental health of their mothers’ A Review.

Research with abstracts
Rismiya N, Fazlul Haq M.H
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 4th National Symposium on Traditional Medicine. IIM
Publication year: 2016

Avicenna's (Ibn Sina) Canon of Medicine

Research with abstracts
Faslul Haque MF, Faslul Haq MH,Sinan
a review of lifestyle modifications for Prevention of Non Communicable Diseases. Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, Annual Research Symposium – Eastern University
Publication year: 2015

The demographic and selected socio- economic characters among the tuberculosis (Sil va Dique) patients on RHDS division of Kalmunai.

Research with abstracts
Abdul Hai IL,.Jazeelulilai MMM, Faslul haq MH.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, National Conference on Indigenous Systems of Medicine
Publication year: 2015

A review on the recent advances in pharmacological studies of Terminalia catappa (KOTTANG)

Research with abstracts
Shiffra .F., FaslulHaq MH
a review. Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, National Conference on Indigenous Systems of Medicine
Publication year: 2015

Ma ul sha’eer (barley water) as a dietotheraphy for humma e danaj (dengue fever)

Research with abstracts
Fazmiya MJA, FaslulHaq MH.
a review. Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, National Conference on Indigenous Systems of Medicine
Publication year: 2015

Genetic and environmental influences on cognitive development of children

Research with abstracts
Rismiya N, Fazlul Haq M.H
literary review, Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 3rd International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine
Publication year: 2015

Aml-e-kai (Cauterization) in the Light of Modern Science.

Research with abstracts
MSM Shiffa, N Fahamiya, Faslul Haq M.H.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 3rd International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine
Publication year: 2015

Prevalence of predisposing factors of Bawaseer (Heamorrhoid)

Research with abstracts
Azmina M .R.F, Fazmiya M.J, Fazlul Haq M.H.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 3rd International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine
Publication year: 2015

. A prospective of modified Unani therapeutics for Gall Stone (Hasat-e-Mirarah)

Research with abstracts
Fasmiya MJA, Faslul Haq MH
Case series. Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 3rd International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine
Publication year: 2015

Therapeutic and Nutritional value of Coconut water

Research with abstracts
Abdul Hai IL, Faslul Haq MH
A Review. Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, at 3rd International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine
Publication year: 2015

Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Measures of Breast Cancer among Maligawatta Area Women’

Research with abstracts
Zainab Zubair, Faslul Haq MH, Farzana MUZN.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 3rd International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine
Publication year: 2015

Ancient dietotherapy for common respiratory disorders– A survey study

Research with abstracts
Shifra AS, Faslul Haq MH
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 2nd National Symposium on Traditional Medicine. IIM
Publication year: 2015

Treatment for Salasul e Bole va Baraz (Incontinence of urine and stool

Research with abstracts
Faslul Haq MH, Shiffa MSM
A Case study – Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 2nd International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine
Publication year: 2014

Role of Unani line of treatment with modified motivation enhanced psychotherapy in the behavioural disorder in children

Research with abstracts
Faslul Haq MH, Farzana MUZN
A Case study – Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 2nd International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine
Publication year: 2014

.. Evaluation of the composition of Cereals, Legumes and Oil seeds sources of traditional weaning food formulae

Research with abstracts
Ihsan ALM, Faslul Haq MH.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 1st National Symposium on Native Medicine. IIM, 2014
Publication year: 2014

Effect of Unani treatment in Tanaqus ul Lehm (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) A Case Report

Research with abstracts
Faslul Haq M.H, Fathima Yusra M.W, Fazeera M.L.F.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 1st International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine 2013
Publication year: 2013

Effect of compound powder of Satawar and Asal e Soos in menopausal symptoms

Research with abstracts
Fazmiya M.J.A, Faslul Haq M.H., Nizamdeen. H.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 1st International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine 2013
Publication year: 2013

The Study on Complementary Feeding Practices in 6 Months to 2 Years Children in Kureekotuwa Area

Research with abstracts
Ihsan A.L.M, Faslul Haq M.H
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 1st International Conference of Unani, Ayurved, Sidda and Traditional Medicine 2013
Publication year: 2013

Prelimenary study of the anti inflammatory effect of the market sample of the Colchium Lutium

Research with abstracts
Amarasingha APG, Nageeb BM, Faslul Haq MH.
Published as an abstract in book of abstracts, 4th International Seminar on Ayurveda
Publication year: 2021