Invited lectures
- ‘Autoimmune movement disorders’. Movement Disorders Conference, Colombo, 01 December 2024.
- ‘Unravelling Parkinsonism’. Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists’ update on movement disorders, Colombo, 26 September 2024.
- ‘CNS tuberculosis: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges’. 57th Annual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians, Colombo, 20 – 22 September 2024.
- ‘Demonic experiences – psychiatric or neurological?’. 15th SAARC International Psychiatry conference, Colombo, 25 – 29 July 2024.
- ‘Essentials of Parkinson disease’. Regional meeting of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, Ratnapura, 28 June 2024.
- Panel discussion on encephalitis – infective and non-infective. International Paediatric Congress, Colombo, 09 – 11 June 2024.
- ‘Neurosyphilis’. Postgraduate Diploma in Venereology, 07 June 2024.
- ‘HIV neurology’. Postgraduate Diploma in Venereology, 07 June 2024.
- ‘Congenital myasthenic syndrome’. Neurology Update on Neuromuscular Disorders, Colombo, 30 May 2024.
- ‘Movement disorders’. Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine. 17 March 2024.
- ‘Neuromuscular emergencies’. ASN Annual Congress, Colombo, 1 – 4 March 2024.
- ‘A practical approach to movement disorders’. Regional meeting of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists and the Matale Clinical Society, Matale, 15 November 2023.
- ‘A neurological diagnosis not to be missed’. Annual Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine, Colombo, 03 – 05 November 2023.
- ‘Awakening in the realm of demons: the enigma of sleep paralysis’. Colombo Medicine Grand Rounds, Clinical Medicine Academic and Research Centre, Colombo, 22 September, 2023.
- ‘Ocular myasthenia – the great masquerade’. Annual Congress of the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 14 – 17 September 2023.
- ‘Immune therapy in common neurological disorders’. Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Transfusion Physicians, Colombo, 01 July 2023.
- ‘Movement disorders’. Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine. 22 May 2023.
- ‘An update on evidence-based management of acute ischaemic stroke’. Lunchtime talk, Board of Study of Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, Webinar, 09 February 2023.
- ‘How to do an effective lecture’. Teaching workshop, Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, 18 January 2023.
- ‘An update on myasthenia gravis’ at the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists’ update on Neuromuscular disorders, 29 December 2022
- ‘Tropical Neurology’. Keynote lecture: Sir Byrom Bramwell Lecture, Neurology Symposium of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 10 November 2022.
- ‘Parkinson disease’ at the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists’ update on Movement disorders, 30 September 2022.
- ‘A practical approach to movement disorders’. Annual Academic Sessions of the Jaffna Medical Association, 9 – 10 September 2022.
- ‘Movement disorders’. Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine. 26 August 2022.
- ‘The enemy within – paradoxical reaction of CNS TB’. Colombo Medicine Grand Rounds, Clinical Medicine Academic and Research Centre, Colombo, 10 June 2022.
- ‘Autoimmune encephalitis’. Monthly update of the Galle Medical Association, virtually broadcasted, 26 April 2022.
- ‘Masterclass on how to ace your exams’. The Undergrad, Rotaract of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Webinar, 20 March 2022.
- ‘An update on evidence-based management of acute ischaemic stroke’. Lunchtime talk, Board of Study of Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, Webinar, 20 January 2022.
- ‘An update on myasthenia gravis’. 29th Annual Congress of the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 16 – 19 December 2021.
- ‘Autoimmune psychosis – a forme fruste or a novel entity’. 18th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Kandy, 14 – 16 December 2021.
- ‘Management of acute ischaemic stroke: an update’. Colombo Medical Congress, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 25 – 27 November 2021.
- ‘Parkinson’s disease: clinical diagnosis and principles of treatment’. Collaborative regional meeting between the Kurunegala Clinical Society and the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, Teaching Hospital Kurunegala, 17 November 2021.
- ‘End-of-life care and advance directives’. Annual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians, Colombo, 07 – 09 October 2021.
- ‘Autoimmune mediated movement disorders.’ Asian and Oceanian Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders Congress (AOPMC), 4 – 6 June 2021.
- ‘Autoimmune encephalitis for Psychiatrists’. College lecture – Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, 18 April 2021.
- ‘Autoimmune encephalitis’. Biennial Academic Sessions of the Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 26 March 2021.
- ‘Practical approach to autoimmune optic neuritis’. 2nd Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 16 – 17 January 2021.
- ‘Autoimmune encephalitis’. Symposium on Neurology at the Annual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians, Colombo, 19 – 21 November 2020.
- ‘Autoimmune encephalitis’. Colombo Medical Congress, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12 – 15 February 2020.
- ‘A good death’. The World Hospice and Palliative Care Day, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12 October 2019.
- ‘Diagnosis of Parkinsonian syndromes’. ABCs in Movement disorders organised by the Association of Srilankan Neurologists, Colombo, 30 August 2019.
- ‘Tropical neuroinfectious diseases’. Annual meeting of the Association of British Neurologists, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 21 – 23 May 2019.
- ‘Pathogenicity of autoantibodies in brain diseases’. Bus stop talk: Inaugural postgraduate research communication day 26 October 2018.
- ‘Comatose patient with abnormal movements’. 3rd Annual Academic Sessions of the Polonnaruwa Clinical Society 17 – 18 October 2018.
- ‘Oestrogen and neurodegeneration’. Annual Academic Sessions of the Menopause Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 09 September 2018.
- ‘Clinical diagnosis of Parkinson disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes’. ABCs in Movement disorders organised by the Association of Srilankan Neurologists, Colombo, 03 August 2018
- ‘Clinical Research’. Sri Lanka College of Dermatologists, Colombo, 13 May 2018.
- ‘Tropical neuroinfectious diseases in Sri Lanka’. 2nd International Congress on Tropical Medicine, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 8 – 9 December 2017.
- ‘Neuromuscular junction disorders’. 11th Annual Academic Sessions of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 17 – 19 November 2017.
- ‘End-of-life care’. Foundation Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 27 – 28 October 2017
- ‘Headache for the non-neurologist’. Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) 130th Anniversary International Medical Congress, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13 – 16 July 2017.
- ‘Autoimmune encephalitis’. Specialty Update in Neurology, Joint Symposium between the Ceylon College of Physicians and the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, 28 April 2017.
- ‘End of life issues and a Good death’. Sri Lanka Medical Association, Colombo, 16 March 2017.
- ‘A good death’. Lanka Alzheimer Foundation, Colombo, 27 September 2016.
- ‘Stroke and the Alumni’. Fifth Annual Academic Sessions and Reunion of the Colombo Medical School Alumni Association, Waskaduwa, 11 September 2016.
- ‘The Neurology Short Case made Easy’. Clinical forum meeting of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, 26 August 2016.
- ‘A practical approach to tremor syndromes’. South Asian Regional Conference of World Organization of Family Doctors, WONCA SAR 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 11 – 14 February 2016.
- Video challenge. Inaugural Scientific meeting of the Movement Disorder Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 12 – 14 February 2016.
- ‘Autoimmune encephalitis’. 18th Annual Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians, Colombo, 31 July to 02 August 2015.
- ‘Concussion in sports’. IOC-NOC-SLSMA Sports Medicine Congress, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 6 – 8 December 2013.
- ‘Undergraduate and postgraduate education in Neurology in Sri Lanka’. Seventh Annual Scientific Sessions of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 22 – 24 November 2013.
- ‘Cases in Neuroimmunology’. Third Foundation Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, 25 – 26 July 2013.
- ‘Neuroscience of mindfulness meditation’. Sixth Annual Scientific Sessions of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 16 – 18 November 2012.
- ‘TIA revisited’. 34th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 09 – 11 February 2012.
- ‘Psychologically determined neurological disorders’. Guest Lecture at the Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists, Colombo, 23 – 26 February 2011.
- ‘Myasthenia gravis and the role of autoantibodies in neurological diseases’. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, Colombo, 13 – 14 November 2010.
- ‘Challenges in the diagnosis of CNS TB’. Guest Lecture at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Uva Clinical Society, Badulla, 08 October 2010.
- ‘A Good Death’. Annual Research Symposium 2010, University of Colombo.
- ‘Generalised myasthenia gravis’. Annual Scientific Congress of the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 4 September 2010.
- ‘Clinical and serological study of myasthenia gravis in a South Asian population using both radioimmunoprecipitation and cell-based assays’ at the 19th World Congress of Neurology, Bangkok, Thailand, 24 – 30 October 2009.
- ‘Diagnostic challenges in CNS tuberculosis’. Guest speaker at the inaugural Symposium of the Association of Pulmonologists – Sri Lanka, 3rd and 4th October 2009.
- ‘Autoimmune neurological disorders with ocular presentations’. Guest Speaker at the Clinical Meeting of Neuro-ophthalmology, College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka, Colombo 05 April 2009.
- ‘Treatment in autoimmune neurological disorders’ at the Clinical Forum meeting of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, 02 July 2008.
- ‘Antibody mediated neurological disorders: what’s new?’. Ceylon College of Physicians 23 April 2008.
- ‘Pathogenicity of autoantibodies in stiff-person syndrome’ at the 18th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Nice, France, 07-11 June 2008.
- ‘Acute lower limb weakness: combined central and peripheral demyelination’. Clinical case presentation at the Neurosciences Grand Round, Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 27 July 2007.
- ‘Crohn disease and cerebral vasculitis’. Clinical case presentation at the Neurosciences Grand Round, Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 11 May 2007.
- ‘Characterisation of GAD antibodies in stiff-person syndrome’ at the Association of British Neurologists spring meeting, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2006.
- ‘Delayed neurological pathology following severe acute poisoning by organophosphate pesticides’. 13th Oxford Tropical Network Meeting, Oxford, United Kingdom, 19 – 22 March 2006.
- ‘Eye movement disorders’. Neuro-ophthalmology Seminar organised by the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka, 25 May 2003.
- Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA)
- Ceylon College of Physicians (CCP)
- Movement Disorders Society of Sri Lanka (MDSSL)
- National Stroke Association of Sri Lanka (NSASL)
- Colombo Medical School Alumni Association (CoMSAA)
- Commonwealth Scholarship Commission Alumni Association
- Royal College of Physicians of London (RCP)
- Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists (ASN)
- Sri Lanka Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders (SLCTRIMS)
- Sri Lankan League Against Epilepsy (SLLAE)
- University of Oxford Alumni Association, United Kingdom
- Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA)