Research Grants
- ASN Research Grant (ASN/2023/04/02/01): Supervisor of study on the role of cytokine mediated inflammation in febrile seizures (BSc).
- AHEAD Grant No. 81 (2020): Supervisor of PhD study on effect of meditation on central and peripheral neurophysiological parameters in health and on selected clinical outcomes of Parkinson disease and epilepsy.
- ASN Research Grant (2018): Study on autoimmune encephalitis and neuromyelitis optica among Sri Lankan patients.
- University of Colombo – funding for inter-faculty research (2017): Supervisor of Immunologic markers in the progression of Parkinson disease (BSc).
- UGC/DRIC/PG/2014MAY/CMB (2015): Supervisor of PhD study on developing a knee osteoarthritis flare risk calculator tool and its validation in a Sri Lankan Cohort.
- HETC/QIG/ W3, Grant No 2.2.3 (2013) and University Research Grant No.AP/3/2/2015/PG/06 (2015): Supervisor of PhD study on prevalence and associated factors of snake bite and subsequent disabilities among rural residents in the district of Ampara.
- NRC Grant 11-075 (2011): Study on viral aetiologies of acute encephalitis in a hospital-based population in Sri Lanka (MPhil).
- SLMA Research Grant (2009): Study on knowledge of stroke, its warning symptoms, risk factors and treatment among the general public and general practitioners in Sri Lanka.