Development of a fungal inoculum for efficient phosphate utilization in agriculture.

Abstract Publications
Kumari, P. D. S. U., Nanayakkara, C. M. and Bandara, J. M. A. U.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Forestry and Environment Symposium-Part I
Publication year: 2010

Cultivation possibilities of some selected Sri Lankan indigenous mushrooms with special reference to Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) Karst

Abstract Publications
Rajapakse, J., Nanayakkara, C. M., Samarasekara, J.K.R. R., De Zoysa, J.
Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium (postgraduate), University of Colombo.
Publication year: 2010

Comparison of the effects of organic fertilizers with inorganic fertilizers on the growth of eight months old coconut seedlings on nutrient availability and soil microbial activity of soils. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Ranaweera RSM, Nanayakkara CM, Tennakoon A
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Forestry and Environment Symposium – Part II. 93-100.
Publication year: 2010

Abstract Publications
Ranaweera, R.S.M., Nanayakkara, C.M., Tennakoon, A.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Forestry and Environment Symposium – Part I
Publication year: 2010

Towards the production of an efficient fungal inoculum for rapid sawdust decomposition

Abstract Publications
Punchihewa, R.N., Nanayakkara, C.M., Samanthika K.A.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Forestry and Environmental Symposium.
Publication year: 2009

Isolation and screening of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms from Sri Lankan soils

Abstract Publications
Bandara, A. and Nanayakkara, C.M.
Proceedings of the 65th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science
Publication year: 2009

Investigation of the potential of wood rotting fungi as efficient sawdust decomposers

Abstract Publications
Samanthika, K. A., and Nanayakkara, C.M.
Proceedings of the 65th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science
Publication year: 2009

Effective spore density of Glomus mosseae, a vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM), for inoculation of pepper (Piper nigrum)rooted cuttings

Abstract Publications
Mala W. J., Kumari, I.S., Sumanasena, H. A., Nanayakkara, C.M.
Proceedings of the Annual Cress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture.
Publication year: 2009

Antibacterial properties of some Sri Lankan marine algae

Abstract Publications
Paba W. D. R.,Nanayakkara C. M., Perera, R.
Proceedings of the 65th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science
Publication year: 2009

Sri Lankan Women in Science and Engineering & Higher Education

Abstract Publications
Nanayakkara C.M.Proceedings of the International Symposium on Women in Science and Engineering, Indian Women in Science
Publication year: 2008

Effect of constant soil temperature on rice field weed propagules

Abstract Publications
Dilani, N.D.R. and Nanayakkara, C.M.
Proceedings of the University of Colombo Research Symposium,
Publication year: 2008

The effect of constant soil temperatures on the viability of Rhizoctoniasolani

Abstract Publications
Nanayakkara, C.M, Killham, K, Wijesundera, R.L.C.
Proceedings of the British Soil Science Society Annual Symposium.
Publication year: 2005

Compendium of Medicinal Plants: A Sri Lankan Study, Vol. II. 84, 102, 146, 168. Department of Ayurveda, Nawinna, Maharagama, Sri Lanka. ISBN 955-606-030-8.

Books and Book Chapters
Nanayakkara CM
Publication year: 2002